Chapter 15- Evidence

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(A/N): This chapter is gonna be a bit longer than the rest, sorry about that... Anyway, enjoy!

-Perrie's POV-

My eyes open slowly, and I roll over, closing them again.

I force my eyes back open, focusing on the digital clock.

'12:30 pm' it reads, and I slightly sit up.

I slept past noon? Oh well, it's not unusual after you've been moving around for ages! I finally felt relaxed last night.

I lay back down, realizing my body is still tired.

"Perrie, get up!" I tell myself, but also ignoring myself.

I swing my feet over the side of my bed, slouching down.

I manage to drag myself out of bed, wanting something to eat.

I open my door slowly, sliding my bare feet across the floor.

I trudge down the stairs, my head too heavy to hold up.

I can feel my hair standing on end, but I don't care.

I walk into the kitchen, but no one is there.

There's a sticky note on the fridge, and I peel it off.

'Leigh, Jade, and I are getting groceries. Be back soon. -Jesy' It reads, and I wonder where Destiny is.

I grab an apple and start walking around the house.

I look out the window of the back door, and see her sitting under a tree.

I walk out, not caring about my appearance. We don't live anywhere near the middle of town anyway.

"Hey, whatcha doing out here?" I ask, sitting down beside her.

"Just sitting here, finally relaxed." She replies, twiddling her thumbs.

"Is there something on your mind?" I ask, noticing the look in her eyes.

She shrugs her shoulders, looking at the ground.

"I'm here to listen." I assure her, rubbing her small back.

"I'm just... I'm worried about my brothers." She stutters out, looking back up at me.

"Call them." I suggest, pulling her up to her feet.

"It's long distance." She protests, but I'm not giving up that easily.

"Use the landline." I argue, pulling her into the house. "You haven't heard from them in a few years, now call them. That's an order." I say, grabbing the phone.

Her shaking hands gently take it from me, and she runs her fingers over the buttons.

She starts dialing hesitantly, then puts it to her ear.

-Destiny's POV-

"Hello?" My Aunt Helen's voice answers, and I'm at a loss for words.

"H-hi. It's Destiny. Could I talk to the boys?" I ask, and there's silence.

"I'll put you on speaker." Aunt Helen replies, then I can hear everything that's going on.

"Boys! C'mere!" She calls, and I hear numerous running footsteps.

I look up at Perrie, and she smiles. "I'm gonna go shower." She whispers and runs off.

"Cal, James, Brayden. Some one is on the phone for all of you." I hear Aunt Helen say, and a chorus of 'who's echo through the room.

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