Chapter 16- Escape

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-Leigh's POV-

I sit on the couch, waiting for Jesy to come back.

It had started raining, which puts me down in the dumps.

"I'm sure Destiny is fine, Leigh." Jade comforts me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I hear two sets of footsteps coming down the steps, and I jerk my head to look.

Jesy helps Destiny down the stairs, and I realize she must be dizzy. The bandages are still around her arms and legs.

They sit on the couch, and Destiny takes out a video camera.

"I've got it." She whispers, opening the screen.

"What is it?" I ask, crawling over beside her.

I watch as the horrifying video plays, tears falling from her eyes.

Screams can be heard coming from the small device, along with the sound of running footsteps.

"Hunter filmed himself murdering my parents and my Aunt always tried to keep it hidden away." She explains, quickly closing the small screen.

"I also found a book." She goes on, pulling the medium sized book out of her bag.

"Confidential." Jade reads, her voice shaky.

"Should we open it?" Perrie asks, giving me a confused look.

"I have to." Destiny sighs, opening the cover.

As she reads the quite messy printing, her eyes widen. Her mouth is agape in shock, her bottom lip trembling.

"She helped." She whispers, flicking through pages intensely. "She fucking helped Hunter kill my parents!"

"Who?" I ask, calming her down.

"My Aunt Mary! So did my Uncle!" She exclaims angrily, balling her hands into fists.

"What?!?" Jesy jumps up, grabbing the book. "She's not lying..."

"Why would... How... What... Oh my gosh." Destiny stutters out, not able to finish her sentence.

I hug her tightly as tears stream down her cheeks.

Perrie and Jade join in as Jesy still looks through the book.

"Um..." Jesy starts, her eyes widening. "Hunter is your Aunt's cousin. She knew about the plan, and she even helped put it together." She explains, closing the book quickly.

Destiny struggles out of the group hug, her hands shaking as she picks up the book.

She rips it in half, her face red with anger.

She drops it and runs outside, I quickly run after her.

It's still raining outside, but I don't care.

"Come back!" I hear one of the other girls call from behind me.

I look back for a split second to see Jesy running too.

I keep track of Destiny, not wanting to lose her.

I catch up to her, and her hand swings back to hit me in the face.

I keep a firm grip on her arm, grabbing both of her shoulders.

"Listen I know you're angry, but this isn't the answer to the problem!" I exclaim, glad I'm a bit stronger than her.

She struggles, but I refuse to let her go.

Jesy runs up to us quickly, holding something in her hand.

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