Chapter 18- Escape

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-Destiny's POV-

I lay on the floor, trying to fight the urge to give up and fall asleep.

My whole body is in excruciating pain, and I feel paralyzed. It's like my innocence has been taken away from me.

"You didn't have to do that." Jesy says, and I turn my head to look at her.

"I promised you I wouldn't let him hurt you. So I kept it." I reply, squeezing my eyes shut at the pain. "I don't know if I can stay awake." I admit, laying on my back.

"Listen, I know it hurts, but you have to fight through it." Jesy encourages me, and I keep fighting it.

"You're a strong woman, you can do it!" Leigh adds on, boosting my confidence.

I hear yelling upstairs, but I try to focus on what the girls are saying.

"Des, can you get over here?" Jesy asks quietly, but still loudly enough so I can hear her.

"I'll try." I whisper, trying to sit myself up.

I manage to lean against the wall, battling the pain. I take a few deep breaths, building up my confidence.

I shimmy along the wall to keep myself balanced, ignoring my thoughts telling me to stop.

I reach Jesy's chair, moving to lean against her leg.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize, feeling guilty for everything. "All of this is my fault."

"No it's not. You were only trying to protect us. You didn't know this would happen." Leigh protests, her voice soft.

"Exactly. I think it was heroic!" Jade speaks up, and I smile slightly.

"Now, I need you to do something." Jesy changes the topic, and I look up at her.

"Anything." I reply, preparing myself.

"My hands are tied together behind my back, if you can, I need you to go behind me and untie the rope." She explains, and I nod.

I waste no time scooting behind the chair, and observing the ropes.

"I can't use my hands to untie them, so this is going to be a problem." I sigh, trying to think.

Then an idea pops into my head, making me smile.

"I've got it!" I exclaim quietly, moving my head closer.

I grab a hold of the ropes with my teeth, pulling at them.

"Don't break a tooth." Perrie warns, gazing at me intently.

"You're using your teeth?" Jesy asks, laughing a little.

"There's no other way." I reply, still working on the knot.

As it loosens, I feel victorious.

"Ok, I can pull my hands out now." Jesy tells me, and I back away.

The rope drops to the ground, and Jesy stands up.

She crouches beside me, giving me a smile.

"When he comes down here. I'm going to get him alright." She announces, and I nod.

She carefully picks me up and sets me where I was before.

"Leigh, Jade, and Perrie. We'll get you untied soon so don't worry." Jesy assures them, and they seem fine with it.

There's footsteps nearing towards the top of the steps, and I start to panic.

Jesy runs back to her chair, putting her hands behind her back

Kidnapped by Little MixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz