Chapter 1- Kidnapped

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-Destiny's POV-

I walk out of the club, my now ex-boyfriend still running after me.

"Destiny, please I'm sorry! It was a mistake." He repeats, grabbing my hand.

"No, a mistake is tripping over some one! Not having sex with some slut!" I yell, pulling my hand away. "Have a good life with the apparently wonderful Sonya." I say before walking away.

I put on my coat as the wind picks up a little. Leaves dance in dim light of the streets.

I turn the corner down the alley to my house.

Some stray cats run around as I walk down the dark area.

I see lights behind me, casting a shadow in front of me.

I turn around to see a van!

I waste no time to start running! I'm just glad I wore flats instead of heels tonight.

I come to a dead end, making me panic! I start climbing the metal fence, my fingers freezing.

I see four people running towards me.

One of them grabs me and I fight against them.

A hand slaps over my mouth and an arm is around my waist. I struggle around trying to kick, but fail.

"Give me the cloth, Leigh." A feminine voice says as one of the masked people hand the one holding me some cloth. They're trying to drug me!

She puts it over my mouth and nose, so I hold my breath.

This is when having singer's lungs is a good thing. The problem is that I can't hold my breath forever.

"Sorry about this." The person holding me apologizes, right before I feel her pull upward on my chest.

I take a huge breathe, inhaling the drugs. I accept the fact that I'm not winning this fight.

"No!" I try and scream, the sky spinning.

"Shhh... Everything will be okay, sweetheart." The feminine voice tells me before I pass out.

-Jade's POV-

She falls into my arms and Perrie picks up her legs.

Jesy is still waiting in the van while Leigh-Anne brought supplies.

Me and Perrie carry her to the van and gently set her in the back seat.

"Drive!" I shout, making Jesy spin the van around and speed away.

We drive out of the small town and Jesy picks up speed.

Perrie and Leigh-Anne buckle up in their seats while I stay in the back with Destiny.

I pull her head into my lap, stroking her blonde hair.

I feel guilty for doing this, but we're protecting her.


Half an hour out of town, we stop at a gas station to get gas.

I feel movement beside me. I look over to see Destiny squirming a little.

"Oh shit!" I curse under my breath.

Her eyelids flutter open, revealing her baby blue eyes.

She looks scared, and tries to talk.

I put my index finger to my lips, signaling to be quiet.

Before she can scream I put my hand over her mouth, so it's muffled.

Leigh and Perrie jerk their heads back to see what's going on.

"What do we do?" I whisper quickly.

"Knock her out again." Perrie suggests, looking confused.

Destiny struggles against my firm grip on her, shaking her head in protest.

"We're only a few minutes away from the house though." Leigh states. "Should we?"

I nod as Perrie pours the clear liquid on the black piece of cloth.

I take it and uncover Destiny's mouth for a split second, replacing my hand with the soft fabric.

Her struggling lessens until her eyes close again.

Jesy comes back after what seems like forever and we drive away.


We arrive at the house a few minutes later.

Perrie helps me carry Destiny in, and to the small room.

"We should tie her up, Jade." Perrie says sympathetically, knowing I hate doing that.

"But..." I go to protest but get interrupted.

"Jade." Perrie says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay." I sigh, helping Perrie tie knots and stuff. Perrie finindhes by gagging her with a rag.

"Now we wait until tomorrow when she's awake. Poor thing is probably scared and tired." Perrie says, dragging me out of the room.

I sit on the couch and watch T.V, trying to get my mind off everything.

I turn it to nickelodeon and watch Spongebob.

"Do you know what's funnier than 24... 25." Spongebob's voice echoes throughout the room, making me laugh.

Leigh-Anne joins me on the couch and starts massaging my shoulders, as she does a lot.

"You did good today." She says as I let out a sigh.

"I feel guilty." I reply, making her laugh a little.

"Don't be. We're protecting her." She points out.

"If we're protecting her, why do we have to scare her?" I ask, still tense.

"Highly doubt she would listen to four strangers." Leigh replies, proving a point.

I nod and relax into her arms as she rubs my shoulders gently.

"Let's get to bed okay?" Leigh says, pulling me up to stand with her.

I just nod, not able to talk clearly.

I make it up to my room and change into my one piece.

I crawl under my fluffy blanket and doze off to sleep.

Kidnapped by Little MixWhere stories live. Discover now