Chapter 3- Escaping Hunter

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-Leigh's POV-

We speed down the road, making as many turns as possible.

As we get out of town the van gains more speed.

I unbuckle and crawl onto the floor, the vibrations of the tires against me.

I take a quick look up to see a cargo van chasing us.

I hear gunshots against the window and then Jade and Destiny scream!

They crawl onto the floor beside me.

"Jesy!" Perrie yells and more gunshots hit.

The van jumps a bit then swerves out of control!

"Oh crap!" I hear Jesy's voice over the squealing of the tires and screaming.

The van swerves off the road and stops in the ditch.

I stay crouched down, terrified of the man outside.

The door swings open and the other girls are yanked out! I keep on thinking of my own safety.

A hand touches my shoulder, making me jump!

I turn around to see Hunter, the man who killed my brother.

I try to run but he grabs my wrist!

"Let go of me you freak!" I yell at him as he grabs my waist with his other arm.

"No! You're not taking me!" I yell before his hand covers my mouth.

"Shut up, you little bitch!" He scolds, picking me up from the ground.

I try to kick, but my feet hit nothing.

His grip releases and I look behind me, there Jesy is with a metal rod...

"Um..." I start, but stop.

"I found it in the back of his van." Jesy says, smiling innocently.

"Now what?" I hear Destiny's voice ask.

"I don't know." I say quietly.


-Perrie's POV-

We all get back in the van, just wanting to get out of here.

I climb into the very back seat and curl up, wanting to cry.

Destiny sits beside me, putting her arm around me.

"You alright?" She asks, and I look up at her.

"Ya. Just a bit shook up." I reply, running my shaking hands through my hair.

The van starts moving, occasionally jumping from the flat tire.

I let the bumpy road lure me into a doze, keeping myself half conscious.

The van stops and my eyes shoot open!

"We're here." Jade says before sliding the door open and jumping out.

I rub my eyes and get out myself.

I run into our warm house and curl up on the couch.

"Perrie! We need to get outta here!" Jade half yells, pulling me up off the couch.

I see everyone else packing up their stuff, except Destiny, who borrows clothes from anyone of us. Guess we didn't think that through.

I realize what's going on!

I run to my room and throw clothes and special things that I can't leave behind in my suitcase.

"Where are we going?" I ask Jesy out of curiosity.

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