Chapter 5- Safe

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-Destiny's POV-
The sun shines through the blinds, directly on my eyes.
I look at the clock and see it's 8:00 in the morning. I shift around a bit and then sit up.
I open the door and see everyone else is already up.
"Morning guys." I greet, blinking a few times to focus.
"Hey Destiny!" Jade's voice echoes through the room.
"How'd you sleep?" I ask, walking further into the room.
"I couldn't sleep because Jesy kept kicking me!" Perrie yells, playfully hitting Jesy.
"You two slept in the same room?" Leigh-Anne asks, and they nod. "You do realize there's five different rooms right?" She adds, pointing to the other door.
"Oh... So it's like a hotel." Jesy clues in, smacking her head.
After a moment of silence we all burst into laughter.
I open the cabinet and grab some corn flakes. Then I find the milk, a spoon, and sit down to eat.
"After breakfast we should go ride horses!" Leigh-Anne exclaims, pointing out the window to the stable. I nod in agreement and continue eating.
"I'm going to go get dressed." Perrie says, walking into her room and shutting the door behind her.
Leigh and Jesy go into their own rooms to do the same. Jade, who is already dressed, pours herself some cereal and sits across from me.
The silence is almost suffocating, but not awkward in any way.
Jesy comes out of her room, breaking the silence. "You guys almost done?" She asks impatiently.
"I am." I reply as I put the bowl in the sink.
I run off to my room and close the door. I turn on the light and pull my suitcase up onto the bed.
I open in and pick out some overalls and a blue t-shirt.
I strip of my nightgown and pull a sports bra over my head, then the blue shirt.
I step into the overalls and pull them up, attaching the straps to the buttons to keep them up.
I step out of my room, turning off the light behind me, and the other girls are already waiting there.
"Let's go!" Perrie exclaims, running out the door.
"Some one's excited." I say laughing, then walking out myself.
-Leigh's POV-
We reach the stable and put on the provided cowboy boots.
I walk around a little, getting used to the feeling of the boots.
I walk out of the barn and the sun hits me.
I jump over the fence where the horses are. Mrs. Caprihano already put the saddles and reigns on for us.
I walk up to a brown horse and put on foot in the loop.
I try to jump up a few times before realizing that I'm a bit short for this!
"Sorry man... You're way too tall for me." I say to the horse, petting it's nose.
I walk over to a lightly colored horse, which is near the fence.
I repeat the action, but this time I get up!
"Yay Leigh!" Perrie calls from her horse. I grab the reigns and steer it over to Perrie's horse.
"Hey Pez." I greet, relaxing a bit.
I look around to see everyone except Jesy on a horse.
"Jump Jesy!" Destiny calls to her, getting on her own horse.
Jesy gets up and she cheers!
Everyone crowds together to plan where we're going.
"Let's go down that path." I suggest, pointing to the tree surrounded trail.
Everyone agrees and we go that way. I duck under lower branches and make sure my horse goes the right way.
The short path ends in a field, so that's where we go. The sun's rays beat down on us, making us warm.
Jade walks her horse up beside me, laughing as she does.
I see a blossom tree not too far from us.
"We'll take a rest up there!" I call back to the others.
I make my horse gallop quickly, wanting to feel the rush of the wind.
The blossom tree gets closer every passing second, and then I reach it.
There's a rail to tie horses to, so that's handy. I jump down from my horse and grab the rope tied to the reign. I tie a secure knot to the rail and wait for the others.
Their horses gallop into the shade of the beautiful tree and they stop.
I tie each of the horses to the rail as they get down.
Perrie, Jesy, and I sit against the trunk of the tree while Jade and Destiny sit in the grass.
"This is relaxing." Jesy speaks up, slouching back a bit. "Totally." Destiny agrees, laying down in the green grass.
I close my eyes tiredly, letting the problems slip away.
I feel like a kid again, sitting in the grass and imagining things that were almost impossible. I fall into a dreamless doze...
I open my eyes as the wind picks up a little, cooling us all down in the heat of the sun.
I'm pulled out of my daydream as one of the horses freak out!
I jump up from the grass and look around. I spot a large dust cloud headed this way.
"C'mon guys! Let's get outta here!" I call, jumping up onto my horse. The others easily jump up and we ride away quickly.
"What's going on?" I hear Perrie ask, obviously scared.
"Dust storm!" I call back to her, reaching the trail.
We go as quickly as possible through the trees and over the soil. When the farm comes in sight I'm relieved.
I go straight into the stable, along with the other girls, not caring about putting the horses back yet.
I can hear it blowing against the side of the stable.
Jesy and Perrie close the door quickly against the wind.
"Girls? You alright?" I hear Mrs. Caprihano's voice, making me jump! I spot a radio on the side of the wall.
"Yes. We're fine, just a bit scared." I reply, holding in the button.
"Ok. Good. This should blow over soon. Stay calm and DO NOT go back outside until it's over." She directs, then the receiver cuts out again.
I can hear small rocks hit against the wooden wall, the wind whistling.
I walk around a bit, slowly jogging every now and then.
Jesy and Perrie are talking in the corner, Jade and Destiny are petting the horses. They seem mesmerized by them, so I walk over and join them.
"Whatcha doin?" I ask, skipping over. "Trying to pass the time." Jade replies, petting the large animal.
"Girls, it's safe." I hear Mrs. Caprihano's voice over the radio again. That was quick!
"C'mon guys!" I call over to Perrie and Jesy.
We take the horses back to the pasture and let them roam freely.
As we make our way back to the house, we notice a black truck pull up.
"Wonder who that is." Perrie says curiously, walking next to me.
I watch as a man gets out and knocks on the door, obviously a visitor.
I signal the girls to follow me and I run around to the back door. When I'm sure no one's around, I open the door and slowly walk in.
Jade slowly and gently shuts the door behind her, and we stand in silence. The conversation can be heard easily because we're right beside the front door.
"Have you seen these girls?" I hear a deep, unfamiliar voice. Then I hear a paper being pulled out.
I watch Destiny's eyes go wide, as if she knows who it is. Does she?
"No. Why?" Mrs. Caprihano's voice asks, making me more suspicious. "My boss needs them... To talk to! That's all." The deep voice speaks, and I can tell he's lying. "If you see them, call me." He adds on, then the door opens and closes. We wait until the truck pulls away before talking.
"I know him." Destiny whispers, looking down at the ground in shock. "Who is he?" Jesy asks frantically, a bit paranoid.
"Peter... My ex boyfriend..." She confesses, putting her hands on the sides of her head.
Before I can speak, Mrs. Caprihano runs in panicking.
"Girls! I think that man was working for Hunter!" She exclaims in fear, holding out the papers.
I look at them to see clear pictures of all of us, our names, ages, and just about everything else.
"What do we do?" Perrie asks, taking a seat to calm down.
"Call Jarod again." I suggest, not sure what to do.
"He can't help you now." Mrs. Caprihano's voice replies, but not in the usual kind tone.
I scream as she throws a punch at Jesy!
"Run girls!" I hear one of them call, and we scatter.
I follow after Jade as Mrs. Caprihano chases us.
We run out the door, sticking together, but not knowing where to go!
This is all happening to fast!
My eyes open to Destiny shaking me awake! I'm in a cold sweat and the girls are around me.
"It was just a dream, Leigh. It's okay." Jesy reassures, rubbing my shoulder.
I sit up and look around. The sun is shining, not a cloud in the blue sky. The horses are calm, and I'm still under the blossom tree.
"What did you dream?" Perrie asks, making me freeze.
"Mrs. Caprihano turned out bad. Destiny had an ex boyfriend named Peter, who worked for Hunter. There was a dust storm, and the horses spazzed out." I reply, not telling anything in the order of what actually happened.
"Let's head back. It's almost time for dinner." Jade suggests, completely off topic.
We all agree and we jump onto our horses. We move slowly, taking the same path back.
"I think I'm a bit stressed about everything." I tell Perrie, referring to my recent nightmare.
"We all are, but we need to relax." She replies, riding her horse beside me along the path.
The trees shadow me from the sun slightly, cooling me down.
The house comes into sight and I'm exposed to the sun again.
I ride into the grassy pasture and let my horse free.
I hop over the fence and wait for the others to get over.
Once we're all over the fence we head in, walking along the gravel driveway.
For once I almost feel safe, finally.

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