Chapter 14- Thinking

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-Destiny's POV-

It's 5:30 pm and I'm in the kitchen, making the other girls supper.

"Dest, you don't have to do this." Jade argues, using my nickname.

"I want to." I reply, starting a pot of boiling water.

"Could I at least help?" Jade asks, and I laugh.

"Sure." I roll my eyes, still giggling. "Could you grab the spaghetti?" I ask, working on the meat sauce that my mom taught me to make.

"Sure thing." She replies, jumping up on the counter. "Got it!" She exclaims, putting it down and jumping off.

"How much do you think we'll need for everyone?" I ask, seeing that the water is boiling.

Jade grabs the box of the pasta, pouring almost all of it in the boiling water.

"About that much." She smiles, and I start laughing again.

"You're crazy." I tell her, and she nods.

I turn off the burner thats heating the meat sauce, turning my attention to the spaghetti.

"Wanna put on some tunes?" Jade asks, and I nod in reply.

I watch as she runs off to the living room, probably to get a CD.

She comes back, sliding her small feet across the floor.

"We have Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Beyoncè, and some country stuff." She explains, looking through the CD cases.

"Anything is okay with me." I reply politely, horrible with making decisions.

"Katy Perry it is!" She exclaims, taking the disc out and putting it into the CD player on the counter. "It's a mix of the greatest hits, or something like that." She says, pressing play.

'ET' comes on, and I start nodding my head to the beat.

"C'mon! Dance!" Jade laughs, pulling me away from the stove.

We start dancing along, occasionally bumping into each other.

I stop dancing around to turn of the other burner and drain the spaghetti.

"Jade! Where's a colander?" I ask over the music, and she stops.

She opens a cupboard and reaches to get it.

I thank her as she hands it to me, and I hold it over the sink. I pour the cooked pasta into the colander, steam rising up.

I quickly pour it back into the pot, setting it on the cool burner.

I hear a crash behind me, and various things falling to the floor.

I spin on my heels, and Jade is laughing, surrounded by pots.

I switch off the music, helping her pick up the fallen pots.

"Wanna tell the others that dinner is ready?" I ask, quickly setting the table.

"Yup, be back in a second." She replies, walking to the kitchen doorway. "Dinners ready!" She yells at the top of her lungs, making me jump.

"Not exactly what I meant, but it works." I laugh, putting the full pots on the table.

I hear footsteps making their way to the kitchen.

We all get ourselves seated at the table, dishing up our plates.

"This is really good!" Leigh comments, twirling the meat sauce covered spaghetti around her fork. "Where'd you learn to make this sauce?"

"My mom taught me." I reply quietly, wishing she was still with me. She was the one who kept me grounded.

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