Chapter 6- Life or Death

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-Jade's POV-

I sit on the recliner, playing on my phone. Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh are out, running errands. Destiny is silently sitting on the sofa, reading a book. Mr. Caprihano is outside, working on the tractors while Mrs. Caprihano is also out, visiting friends and family.

The silence is nice, but awkward.

"Do you wanna talk?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Sure." Destiny replies, putting down her book. "What do you wanna talk about?" She asks, smiling as I go and sit beside her.

"Are you okay? You've just been quiet lately." I confront her, and she looks down.

"Just scared and kind of sad. My ex boyfriend had cheated on me right before you found me, so I guess I just feel guilty." Destiny confesses, looking back up at me.

"Don't be. It was his choice not to stay with you. He's blind to what he's missing." I comfort her, putting my arm around her. "And I'm scared too." I admit, hugging her small body lightly.

"Just out of curiosity, what's your ex's name?" I ask, pulling back.

"Mitchel Clarke." She replies, and I freeze. "Is there a connection between you two?" She asks, noting the expression on my face.

"He brought me to Hunter." I reply, his face becoming a clear image in my mind.

"So Leigh's dream..." Destiny starts, her eyes wide as well.

"Was pretty accurate." I finish, almost shaking.

There's another uncomfortable silence, then I hear a car door shut. I look out the window to see the other girls with groceries.

I run to the front door and open it, and they come piling inside.

I swing it shut as they make their way to our end of the house.

I quickly follow and start rummaging through bags.

We all help put things away, chatting as we do so.

Once we're done we relax on the sofa and chairs.

"Guys, we need to look out for some one. Not Hunter." Destiny starts a new conversation.

"Mitchel Clarke." I add on, and Perrie tenses up.

"He was my ex-boyfriend. He ended up leading me straight to Hunter." Perrie confesses, standing up again.

"He's one of Hunter's main assistants." I reply, leaning back.

"I don't remember him." Jesy says, putting her head in her hands. "Neither do I." Leigh adds, sitting forward a bit.

"He has short, light brown hair and brown eyes. He's pretty skinny, but he's dangerous." Destiny explains, sadness in her eyes.

"I remember him clearly now." Perrie says to no one in particular.

"I knew he was trouble when I started dating him. He just had a reputation of being a player, then he cheated on me." Destiny confesses, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Ya, he's a jerk." Perrie agrees, and sighs.

There's a long silence, almost suffocating.

A phone rings and everyone jumps!

"I've gotta take this." Destiny excuses herself, going into her room.

-Destiny's POV-

I press accept and put the phone up to my ear.

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