Chapter Twenty-Eight - 'A Short Stop'

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Chapter Twenty-Eight – ‘A Short Stop’

They left the sun behind them as the left America after their final concert. They moved swiftly towards Toronto where they had two more concerts. After Toronto they’d be flying to Australia for the last leg of the tour and knew there would be more time for relaxing and having fun. Ian had decided to let them have a week off in their final destination of Melbourne after their final concert. He called it a ‘celebration holiday’ that they’d apparently all deserved. Once the tour had officially ended the band had three months off and Lacey would team up with Ian to discuss what was going to happen next.

Steve was most excited to get to Toronto as he said he’d had enough of the American fans who were always slightly more intense than the others. He was also looking forward to the last leg of the tour nearing; as much as he loved the boys he needed a break from them soon. This had definitely been the most drama filled tour they’d ever done and he needed a break from all the stress.

The bus took them across the border and into Canada, Lacey was glad that Ian had given her, her own bus as the boy’s bus now smelt so bad she was afraid that something might have died in there. At least her bus smelt good and was relatively clean.

Lacey found herself enjoying the journey to Toronto, she wasn’t as bored as she thought she would be but then again she had just discovered that Silas had asked Jenny on a date and that according to Jenny the date was magnificent. Lacey had never thought to pair the two of them together, she’d never even had an inkling that there was any feeling there and she, like others, had assumed that Silas’ flirting with Jenny was just fun and games. Obviously there was more to it than anyone realised. Lacey wondered if it was a recent development or if Silas had had feelings for Jenny for a long time.

“So I hear Silas asked you out on a date?” said Lacey innocently.

Jenny laughed “how long have you been waiting to ask me that question?”

“Since the journey started” admitted Lacey.

Jenny laughed again “yes he did ask me on a date. I said yes and then we went on the date”.

“So? What happened?” said Lacey.

“He was so romantic; I never thought he’d be like that. He’s such a joker when he’s around everyone else but with me he was different. It was like I was looking at another side of him, a more mature sensitive side. It was nice; he took me to the cinema. I know that seems like quite an old fashioned date to have but it was perfect for us, I wouldn’t have been happy in a posh restaurant with lots of pomp and cheese. I’m so happy Lacey” said Jenny.

“I’m happy for you” said Lacey.

It was good to see that her friend was happy, seeing her friend’s happy always made Lacey herself feel happy.


After arriving in the late afternoon, Lacey and the others found themselves with the rest of the day off before the beginning of two relatively casual days in Toronto. While the girls opted for much needed sleep, the boys decided to have a marathon games evening and when they appeared the next day, appearance slightly haggard, no one had any sympathy for them.

The following morning while the boys left with Steve to begin a morning of sound checks and safety measures for the coming concert, the girls decided to do some shopping. It wasn’t as if they needed any more clothes but they never could resist some. Besides with their up-coming extra week in Australia, Jenny had insisted that they needed more summer clothes and definitely swim wear. Jenny had excitedly dragged them from the bus as soon as the last bit of breakfast had gone down their throats and though they were excited for the day, they groaned a bit at their over excited friend. Jenny had even managed to locate a small museum that specialised in shoes over the years; apparently it was a ‘must see’ exhibition and their first stop of the day.

Having deposited their shopping bags, Elena and Jenny went in search of the boys; Lacey insisted they go ahead as she wanted to get some work done. They found the boys lounging in the green room of their latest concert arena. Jenny quickly seated herself on Silas’ lap – the spark of their ever growing relationship still present – while Elena opted to sit in between Bradley and Silas.

“Guys, you have got to see this it’s the funniest thing ever!” cried Jack as he raced into the concert arena. To his chest he clutched his IPad.

“Oh god, you aren’t going to show us yet another supposedly funny animal video are you?” groaned Bradley.

Jack pouted in mock hurt earning Bradley a light slap on his arm from Elena.

“No this is much better I promise” he said grinning madly.

He turned his IPad around so it was facing the others and allowed them a few minutes to absorb what they were seeing while he tried not to giggle so uncontrollably.

“What am I seeing?” asked Jenny from her spot on Silas’ lap.

“Ok I’m sure that neither Lacey nor Ollie have been to China, why are you showing us fake photos?” asked Tom.

Jack giggled “it’s a tumbler page dedicated to seeing Lacey and Ollie together. There are loads of photo shopped pictures of the two of them together and some people have even started writing their own stories of how they imagine the two finally becoming a couple. It’s like they have their own personal – slightly creepy – fan base” said Jack.

“Oh I see” said Elena.

“That’s actually quite funny” added Silas.

“I know it’s like a dream waiting to happen” said Jack with a sigh.

His statement soon had the others crying with laughter as they continued to pour over the page. 

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