Chapter Twenty-Two - 'A Move Forward or a Jump Back'

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Chapter Twenty-Two – ‘A Move Forward Or A Jump Back’

The following morning bought a phone call from Ian announcing that both Monica and Andrew had remained in police custody over-night and would be removed to a medium level detention centre until the time for their trial arrived. Ian would be staying in New York until the trial came around, he told the boy’s and girl’s that there was no obligation for them to be there. This was good for all of them and especially Ollie who had no desire to ever see the faces of the two Summers’ ever again.

A couple of days after the ‘big reveal’ as they were calling it, everyone had had a chance to relax and think through all that had happened. However, the only one with a clear mind was, surprisingly, Ollie. It was as if all that had occurred the last few months had been wiped away with the removal of Monica and the ‘pregnancy’. He was now free from her poisonous hand and knew exactly what he wanted. He was going to win back Lacey. Of course that was easier said than done.

He was a bloke but he’d watched many of those soppy chick flicks – not by choice you understand…- and he knew that he should now be able to win her back; he just needed a big romantic finish like the men in those films. However, romantic chick flicks never had to deal with woman being oblivious to those big gestures, in the movies their anger always dissolved and the bloke always got the girl and a kiss in the end. 

Lacey was not following this film stereotype. She was point blank ignoring him at every turn. After she’d had time to think of what had happened, she’d decided that it didn’t change anything and that the ice around her heart would remain. Just because Ollie was now free and single did not mean she would be swooning all over him again.

Ollie however, didn’t realise this. He saw what had happened and what would happen as two separate things. He didn’t want to have to deal with what happened he wanted to put it behind him and not talk about it. However, in order to win Lacey back he probably would have to talk about it.

He had tried – in between rehearsing for their upcoming New York concert and many interviews they had about the truth of what had happened – tried to talk the boy’s into helping him win Lacey back. However they told him that he had a lot to be sorry for and that it wasn’t just Lacey that he had hurt. They told him that he had to earn their trust back before they would help him with Lacey.

This did not sit well with Ollie; he didn’t understand why things couldn’t just go back to the way they were. He was of course being stupid and naïve but he couldn’t seem to get past that fact just then. He felt like he’d been given a new lease of life while everyone else was stuck in the past and so, like Ian had mentioned, he set out to have a chat with the man.

“I don’t understand how things could have got so out of hand, Monica’s gone now but things aren’t moving forward” said Ollie.

Ian looked at him sternly, annoyed by the childish behaviour that Ollie was projecting.

“Have you even apologised to everyone?” he asked.

Ollie looked at him confused “apologised? Monica and Andrew are gone now, surely that’s an apology in itself” he said.

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