Chapter Twenty-Seven - 'Why Do We Keep Hurting?'

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Chapter Twenty-Seven – ‘Why Do We Keep Hurting?’

Orlando Florida, home too many wonderful attractions and places to go and see, however the main excitement for everyone was the prospect of visiting Disney Land and Orlando resort. Inside every adult is a child just waiting to burst forth! Lacey was more exciting to visit Orlando resort but that was just due to her excitement for Harry Potter and the park they had there. They boys were just exciting because they were boys and they were thinking of all the trouble they could cause and the girls were just looking to have some fun. If the group thought however, that it would be plain sailing now that everything was out in the open, they thought wrong. Remember the last time Lacey and Ollie were fighting the boys locked them in a cupboard, well their fighting this time was a lot worse.

So Lacey had been dying to visit Orlando resort since they opened the Harry Potter world. She was a massive Harry Potter fan – who wasn’t? – And was ecstatic that she was getting to go to the resort. Luckily it was off peak season, so although there were people milling about all over the resort, there weren’t so many people that would crowd the boys and demand autographs and pictures.

She felt like a little kid again, he mind jumping from one thing to the next while her eyes tried to take in everything before her. She wasn’t a massive roller-coaster fan but didn’t want to disappoint the others who were all eager to try the rides. After surviving a couple of what Bradley called ‘baby rides’, Lacey had worked out a technique for surviving the roller-coasters. It was simple really; she got on the ride, shut her eyes and didn’t open them until the ride was over. The rides seemed to get more terrifying the further the day progressed until they were standing before one that Lacey point blank refused to go on. She left the others to what she thought looked exactly like a death trap and explored one of the many gift shops dotted around.

They were nothing like the gift shops you’d find back in England at Chessington World of Adventures or Thorpe Park, there was no bagged candy floss for one thing and for a moment Lacey felt a pang of homesickness. It was all terribly American but in that good touristy way and Lacey found herself taking in every detail of the products so not to spend all her money at once. She must have been shopping for at least twenty minutes when the others finally came back to her. The girls left immediately for the bathroom and the boys all sat down on the seating provided. Jack looked incredibly pale.

“Are you ok Jack?” she asked.

He groaned.

“He was sick, it was disgusting, we are now all scarred” said Silas dramatically.

Lacey laughed “drama Queen”.

“But what is life without a little drama” quipped Silas.

“Quiet” replied Ollie quietly.

All heads turned towards his direction, he hadn’t spoken but two words in the presence of Lacey since everything came out into the open. He had told her he loved her but she hadn’t responded, in fact she’d run away. She couldn’t deal with it right now, it was all too fresh and the previous pain still hurt.

“Right, seeing as Jack isn’t moving anytime soon, you two can go and get some food for us all” said Bradley looking between Lacey and Ollie.

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