Chapter Three - 'Bitch Dressed As Model'

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Chapter Three – ‘Bitch Dressed As Model’

Lacey had been nervous about her first story, having not had any real facts or stories to incorporate. However, come Monday she needn’t have worried as Ian was in fits of giggles before he’d finished the first page. She could at least relax for a while.

The boy’s had been excited today. Having given her the grand tour of the house the previous evening they were gearing up to show her the studio this afternoon. From there they’d be going to a photo-shoot and had decided to drag Lacey along as well.

The studio was stereotypical of what Lacey had thought it would be. A large room with fuzzy maroon walls. Plenty of seating one side with a very complicated looking sound panel and chair. The other half of the room was taken up by the glass sound room where various microphones and instruments were set up. After several moments of preparation the boys entered the glass room leaving Lacey to plonk herself in a nearby chair and watch.

It wasn’t half as boring as shed expected but it was still rather dull. She’d never heard the boys sing live beforehand it was quite an experience. Their voices were so good she had shivers down her back for most of the performance. She’d gotten out a small pad and pen and was writing the occasional note down. Ian had loved the giant bunny story but wanted the following stories to be more personal and involve activities or fun moments that the boys had actually had.

Lacey understood what he meant and was looking forward to writing her next story piece. The boys were being rather accommodating about it but she was still having problems with Oliver. As far as she knew she’d done nothing to deserve his odd behaviour but he continued to be grumpy and bitter and sneered at her whenever they made contact.

Lacey tried to shrug off his bizarre behaviour but it was definitely making her uncomfortable. While she’d been thinking of Oliver, another of the boys had come to greet her.

“We’re almost done here, we’ve just packing up and then we’ll grab some lunch on the way to the shoot” said Bradley.

Lacey nodded absentmindedly.

“Hey Lacey have you got twitter?” asked Jack loudly.

Lacey shook her head negatively and Jack gasped clutching his chest.

“This is something we need to fix” he said.

“Nope” replied Lacey cheekily.

Jack glared at her “I will wear you down, you’ll end up with an account, just you wait and see!” he declared.

Lacey shook her head at him, he was most determined for her to have twitter. She never wanted to have one; she’d heard reports from others with twitter and had made the conclusion that twitter was the online equivalent of bullying. In most cases twitter was fine but Lacey had decided she wasn’t going to take the risk. However, it now seemed she had no choice, if the twinkle in Jack’s eye was anything to go on.

“Come on you two, we’re going now” said Bradley as he returned to the room.

Lacey followed Jack and Bradley out of the room, the car was already waiting for them and luckily there were no fans lurking nearby. The boys couldn’t decide where they wanted to eat. Steve, who was used to their bickering, was getting increasingly annoyed and pulled into the nearest drive-through Burger King and demanded the boys ordered food pronto.

Lacey laughed at the affronted faces of the boys upon their realisation that they had no say in the matter and in their vengeance they ordered quite a lot of food. Lacey wasn’t that hungry and only ordered a portion of chips. It was a good thing to as watching the boys stuff their faces with food wasn’t exactly appealing.

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