Dear Readers

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"Once upon a time I had an adventure; it wasn’t like one of those fanciful adventures that included mythical creatures and a horde of magical abilities. It was real, passionate and hurtful. It was my dream to become a writer and here at the end of my adventure I have finally become one. Enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed living it." ~ Lacey Edwards.

[Because he will kill me if I don’t mention him] I owe my career and this book to Ian Wasp. You might know him as the famous music producer and manager of the band Locked Doors. It was through his help and support that I am standing here today.

Oh and I also thank the boys of Locked Doors; Ollie, Silas, Bradley and Jack, for never allowing life to be dull.

And Jenny for being fashion obsessed and Elena for her words of wisdom and her ability to edit my writing.

And lastly to my darling parents, I succeeded! Who’s the failure now?


Lacey Edwards

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