Chapter Thirteen - 'Love is in the Air'

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Chapter Thirteen – ‘Love is in the Air’

There wasn’t one person who was surprised by the closeness of Lacey and Ollie. No one was surprised to see them walk hand in hand or to see them sitting together in a corner chair chatting to each other. The boys and Jenny were happy for the pair and the rest of the crew were relieved that the shouting and fighting was surely to be over with now.

It was good to see them both happy after watching them argue for so long. It was clear that Lacey and Ollie meant something to each other. Those close to them hoped that their happiness lasted.

Lacey wasn’t floating on cloud nine but she felt she was floating quite near. She’d never been one for soppy notions or acts of affections, but perhaps that was just because she hadn’t met the right person. The date Ollie had arranged yesterday was spectacular and not something she would have expected of him. Following that first date he had been nothing but charming and attentive towards her and it was very difficult not to fall harder for him.

Jenny had come rushing up to her after the boy’s first concert in Paris, squealing in happiness and excitement. She seemed determined to announce to anyone listening that she knew that Lacey and Ollie would get together. Lacey tried to remind her dear friend that although she and Ollie had had a date, they weren’t a confirmed item just yet, to which Jenny shrieked something about details and flounced off in a huff.

It didn’t matter as both Lacey and Ollie were currently content with the way things were going. The morning after their first Parisian concert, Ollie took her out shopping after declaring that every woman should get the chance to shop in Paris at least once, and after he took her up the Eiffel Tower. Though this could have been seen as delightfully cheesy and overly romantic, Lacey loved having the chance to explore a historical Parisian landmark and it was simply a silver lining that she got to view it with Ollie as well.

On the second evening, just hours before the boy’s second concert, Lacey remembered something. It came to her quite suddenly that she stopped in the middle of the street causing Ollie to walk into her back.

“Why did you stop?” he asked.

“I just remembered something” she replied.


“I’m still in a prank war with Silas” she said.

“Really? I thought that was over” said Ollie.

“No, neither of us has admitted defeat. We stopped pranking in Dublin because of…well everything that had happened” she said.

Ollie winced at her words “chances are he’s forgotten all about the war, this could be your escape” he said.

She pouted turning her face towards his “but I cannot back out of a challenge like a coward. This is the perfect opportunity to get one over on him, he’ll never expect it” she said hopefully.

“Fine, but I’m not helping you” he said with a roll of the eyes.

“But what if I need the help of a big strong man?” she ad while pouting again.

He hesitated but didn’t crumble “nope!”

“What about if I do this?” she asked as she kissed him chastely on the lips. When she felt him begin to respond, she broke the kiss and smiled when he groaned in frustration.

“If I promise to help you, will I get more of those delectable kisses?” he asked.

“Oh yes, you’ll get plenty more kisses” she said while winking.

He slung his arm over her shoulder, “so what did you have in mind? He asked.



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