Chapter Eight - 'Denial, Emotions and Monica'

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Chapter Eight – ‘Denial, Emotions and Monica’

It started with a new day dawning and ended with a bitch arriving.

Lacey woke up with a groan, her head was killing her and she didn’t feel strong enough to move just yet. The slightest movement was making her tummy twist in the most uncomfortable way. She vaguely remembered the night before. She was still pissed with Jenny for forgetting about the ‘no tequila’ rule and for leaving her to climb onto the tour bus alone. She vaguely remembered someone helping her when she finally made it onto the tour bus but she couldn’t quite remember who it was.

She could hear movement around her. She knew they were travelling to Ireland today. She had thought they’d be flying to Ireland but they were still on the tour bus and would stay on it all the way. That meant taking a ferry that could accommodate the bus and also meant the boys were confined to the bus while on the ferry so as to avoid attention and possible media.

“Wake up sleepy head it’s almost lunchtime” said Jack as he moved back the curtain that hid her bed.

She groaned and tried to hide underneath her own pillow.

“Come on now, Bradley made you some food and we want to hear about your night” said Jack.

Lacey grumbled as Jack left her. She managed to get herself untangled from her bed sheets and found a jumper to throw over her head. She put on her fake uggs and attempted to get out of bed. It was hard, her legs didn’t seem to want to cooperate and her tummy wasn’t reacting kindly to being moved. Her hands gripped the sides of the bus as she made her way toward the kitchen. She kept remembering random bits from the night: dancing with Jenny, being sick, taking photos and someone rubbing her back and comforting her.

When she finally arrived in the kitchen all she could do was collapse on the sofa. She hoped she’d be getting a glass of water with her food as her mouth was drier than a sandy beach. She got out her phone as she waited and checked Jenny’s page to see if she’d posted anything.

Lacey was so involved on her phone that she jumped when a plate of food was placed before her, she looked up to thank Bradley but found herself looking at Oliver instead. A lump formed in her throat as she looked into his bright blue eyes and remembered what happened the night before.

“Oh shit” she breathed.

He smirked “you remembered”.

She tensed waiting for his insults to begin.

He frowned as he took in her tense posture “I’m sorry” he said.

“Excuse me?” she asked.

He sighed “I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you since you’ve arrived. You asked me why I was mean to you and I have no reason for it. I was being an ass and I’m sorry”.

“Ok” she muttered.

“I’d like to start again” he said.

She eyed him suspiciously but nodded her consent. She knew she’d be keeping an even closer eye on him now.

Oliver sat beside her and made pointless small talk while she ate. It was incredibly awkward and while Lacey thought he was just trying to clear the air between them, she was just getting more and more annoyed. The food she ate went down a treat and her tummy finally settled, however the headache continued.

Her phone chimed alerting her attention and she glanced at it seeing that she’d got a new message. She opened it up and read it, it said: ‘Had a great time last night Lacey. Meet up when we’re both in Ireland? X’

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