Chapter Twelve - 'What is This Feeling? Why Can't We Stay Away?'

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Chapter Twelve – ‘What is This Feeling? Why Can’t We Stay Away?’

Paris was gorgeous; the skyline from the rooms was proof enough of that. Ollie woke as a man on a mission, he was in the city of love and he’d be a fool if he didn’t exploit this opportunity. He knew he wanted Lacey in a way he hadn’t wanted a girl before. He was searching for commitment, for something honest and real and he knew he could achieve that with Lacey.

She was magnificent; he could see it now in everything she did. Although he wanted to kick himself for all the hurt and pain he’d coursed her, but he recognised that it was all in the past and he had no opportunity other than to leave it in the past and look to the future.

He wasn’t a fool, he knew he was a famous celebrity and as such he had acquired a certain reputation. A reputation that had never bothered him till he’d met Lacey. Certainly she’d changed his life, before her, he’d been perfectly happy in his superficial relationship with Monica and the sex had been enough to keep him satisfied. He was glad he’d finally cut himself lose from Monica and was now free for better things.

Today he was going to ask Lacey out on a date. He wanted the boys help but didn’t think he’d get it after his recent behaviour, so he’d have to be romantic and spontaneous by himself.


Lacey woke up to the bright lights of Paris and the noise of a city waking. Excitement buzzed through her body as she realised where she was and what her new adventures would bring. She was incredibly happy for this opportunity to visit Europe. She hoped that she’d be able to visit some famous Parisian landmarks but understood that she was here with the band and their main objectives were their concerts.

The sun was shining as she showered and dressed, and was still hanging brightly in the sky when she was dressed and ready for the day. She stepped out onto the balcony and felt a cool wind battle around her. It was like a soothing welcome to Paris.

A knock sounded at her door and she reluctantly left her balcony to answer it. It was a bell boy carrying a package for her; she took it and remembered to tip the bell boy before he left. She studied the package; well package was the wrong word for it, as it was actually a bouquet of fresh flowers. There was a note attached, it read: ‘meet me in the lobby at 11am, there is somewhere I’d like to take you’.

Lacey sighed, the flowers were lovely and she was glad it was a bouquet of fresh normal flowers and not some hideously cringy bouquet of two dozen roses, still she urmed and ahhed about whether or not to go. She knew who the flowers were from and of course that was half the problem; she didn’t want to be fooled around again by him. She checked the clock by the side of her bed and saw that it was just coming up to ten forty-five. She had fifteen minutes left if she wanted to meet him. She nervously bit her nail as she looked out of the window, then having made her decision; she walked out the door and down the stairs.

She was glad she hadn’t made an effort to dress up today and hadn’t changed when she looked perfectly fine as herself. She was wearing gladiator sandals and a pale blue lengthy skater dress with a white bag. The weather is Paris was decidedly warmer than anticipated by she wasn’t complaining.

Ollie stood patiently in the lobby, his head bowed and his hand wringing nervously before him. Lacey smiled, his nerves were a good thing. If he’d been standing there proud as a peacock and smirking she would have quickly retreated to her room. She walked up to him rather quietly so she was surprised when his head came up to greet her before she’d reached his side.

‘You came’ he said breathing a sigh of relief.

She gave him a small smile ‘I almost didn’t’ she said honestly.

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