Chapter Fifteen - 'Amsterdam Was Not Made for Childish Adults'

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Chapter Fifteen – ‘Amsterdam Was Not Made for Childish Adults’

They left Paris in the dead of night and started the travel up to Amsterdam. Lacey had heard from Jenny that Ian had been reluctant to add Amsterdam onto the list of tour dates because he didn’t think the boys would be able to behave responsibly.

However, the Amsterdam location had been added onto the tour by Mr. Big who stated that a stop there was necessary. They’d only be there for a day and a night but the drive there would take a little over two days.

Lacey didn’t mind the quiet travelling time as it gave her valuable time with Ollie. After she’d got over her shock of Ollie’s announcement yesterday, she’d discovered that she was insanely happy about his commitment to her, Ollie had received congratulations from everyone on his and Lacey’s relationship but had been given a slap on the wrist as they say – not that he cared – via a phone call with Mr. Big for not informing management of his new relationship status.

Lacey had thought that Ollie would have been affected by what management had said to him but luckily he’d merely ignored what had been said and made several hand movements then meant he didn’t care but just in a more explicit way.

As they sat on the bus the topic of conversation turned from Ollie towards Lacey’s own growing fame.

“One day you might be bigger than I am” he said.

“Oh I don’t think that will happen, besides your massive ego would droop if it weren’t constantly being groomed” said Lacey smiling.

“Rude” said Ollie fake gasping “you’re lucky though, you’re still shiny and new to everyone and you don’t have any haters yet” he said.

“Unlike you who has many enemies you mean” she said.

“Unfortunately so” he replied dramatically.

She giggled, while he pulled her close to him.

The journey to Amsterdam passed in the same manner as other journeys. Sometimes the group found themselves together playing games, eating food and chatting. Or everyone had divided off into their own separate groups, doing their own separate things to make time go faster.

Lacey was not enjoying her time back sleeping in the tour bus as her bed was lumpy but everything else that was happening made up for that small annoyance.

Lacey was still grinning from the thought that her and Ollie were in a relationship when they arrived in Amsterdam. The boys were understandably excited to have arrived and seemed to have forgotten that both Ian and Steve had given them strict instructions to behave almost as soon as their feet touched the ground. It was when Silas announced that they’d reached the city of sin that Lacey began to worry about what the boys had planned. It was almost too much of a coincidence when they arrived in Amsterdam during the late afternoon. It was almost as if fate was giving them a helping hand. Since the boy’s concert wasn’t till the following night, they had some time to relax tonight – which was what worried her.

Indeed they’d only been in Amsterdam for mere minutes and she’d already lost sight of the other boys, the only one who remained by her side was Ollie.

“Don’t worry about them, they’re big boys, they can take care of themselves” he said sensing her anxiety.

“I know I shouldn’t worry but I can’t seem to help it” she replied.

He nodded “well Bradley and Elena went off together, so it’s only Silas and Jack and I doubt they’ll cause too much trouble”.

Lacey didn’t feel too relaxed after that comment, the thought of Jack and Silas together made her skin crawl. The prankster and the child, oh so many things could go wrong tonight. However, when she replied she tried not to think of that.

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