Chapter Two - 'Getting to Know You'

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Chapter Two – ‘Getting to Know You’

Having never been up close to any celebrities Lacey couldn’t help but think the boys looked much different in real life. They appeared to be rather stupid though as they had yet to come out of their shock at seeing her. Perhaps she shouldn’t have opened the conversation with ‘I got mauled by a tree’. However, their shocked expressions gave her time to study the band in earnest.

She understood why the boys got so much attention from their fans; she couldn’t deny they were handsome. Silas Jones currently sported a very confused expression, he was the one usually seen on fashion adverts. His dark hair, dark skin and solemn expression made him the mysterious catch of the group. He was known as a joker but Lacey thought he might be hiding a sensitive side somewhere.

Bradley Jenkins was every teenage girl’s fantasy of what a bad boy should look like and he’d had the bad boy attitude before he met Elena Sharp. He is the only member of the band who is in a relationship. The fans like to pretend he isn’t in a relationship and rumour has it the boys mock all the advice he gives. However, though he appears a man of little words he was the one who keeps the others in order.

Jack Winters was a man you would call ‘as cute as a button’. He very much embodied the boy next door look that made the girls go wild. However, he was known to be quite insecure, his blonde hair and boy looks often labelling him as stupid. Lacey could tell that there was more to Jack than people saw and out of all the boys, he was the one she could see herself being genuine friends with.

Then of course, the last person to contemplate was Olive Smith. He was like a big red warning sign if ever there was. He was the one featured most in the news; his on/off relationship with Monica Summers always attracted media attention. He was known as the charmer and the flirt within the group but so far had only shown his arrogance and grumpiness to Lacey. There weren’t many rules in Lacey’s contract so she’d made on for herself ‘don’t fall for a band member, especially not Oliver Smith’.

Lacey was interrupted from her internal monologue when a middle aged, rather portly man walked into the room. His sudden presence seemed to be enough to wake the boys from their shocked stupor so that was good in Lacey’s book. The man, upon noticing her, clapped his large hands together and headed towards her.

“Lacey Edwards, it is a huge pleasure to meet you. You know I ready you entry myself, superb writing! Allow me to introduce myself; I’m Ian Wasp, manager of Locked Doors and owner of Wasp Enterprises”.

Lacey shook the man’s hand “it’s a pleasure to meet you as well Ian”.

Ian gasped in mock surprise “she has manners as well! You are a treat”.

He let go of her hand so he could turn to face the boys “I do hope you boys have been welcoming to Miss Edwards”.

The blank faces told him little but one look from Steve, their bodyguard, told him everything he needed to know. He looked at the boys and tuted disappointedly.

“In our defence we didn’t actually know she was arriving today” said Silas.

“And she sort of just appeared raving about trees and fans” added Jack.

“She had a nasty cut on her forehead” said Bradley.

“And wouldn’t tell us who she was till we asked nicely” sneered Oliver.

Ian gasped, the only part of the conversation he’d really taken on board being the injury.

“You were hurt Lacey? Are you alright dear? Have you been tended to?’ he asked concerned.

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