Chapter Ten - 'Why Must The Head Make Trouble For The Heart?'

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Chapter Ten – ‘Why Must The Head Make Trouble For The Heart?’

Ollie P.O.V

“Fuck” thought Ollie looking around and realising he was in an unknown bed. As his mind remembered what had happened, his heart throbbed painfully. He rushed to get out of bed and into his clothes so he could leave without alerting anyone but he wasn’t so lucky.

“Ollie where are you going?” moaned Monica.

He tensed as he felt her arms slip around him “let go Monica, I need to get back”.

“But Ollie” she pouted.

“Look it was a mistake that should never have happened. We’re still broken up and I am not getting back together with you. Last night I was drunk this meant nothing, and now I have to go”.

He managed to get his shoes on rather quickly and then stormed from the room, missing the livid expression on Monica’s face.

Ollie walked back to the tour bus instead of catching a taxi. He was probably half an hour away on foot but he needed time to think. He’d been so livid when Monica had arrived, he’d just been getting close to Lacey and Monica’s arrival had ruined that. He supposed it was his fault for forgetting about Monica but their relationship was so on-off that he had trouble remembering. As she hadn’t called since tour started, he’d assumed they were off again.

However, seeing her in the flesh had forced the decision out of him. Lacey was everything <Monica wasn’t, the two girls were polar opposites but it was Lacey not Monica that Ollie wanted. He planned to break it off with Monica and then start on wooing Lacey.

Except things went wrong and he looked like a dick. It was Monica’s fault he acted that way, if she hadn’t have messed with his head, he could have been with Lacey right now. But she started harping on about all the things that would happened to Lacey if he finished things with Monica.

He started to panic – not for himself but Lacey – and instead came up with a new plan. He ended things with Monica and acted rude and unpleasant towards Lacey. If he couldn’t have her then that was fine but he’d be damned if he left Monica hurt her. By being mean he was saving her from whatever Monica would do, it was easier that outright lying.

Then of course Lacey stormed out and Jenny had arrived spouting gossip that Lacey had gone on a date with some guy called John and Ollie saw red. He stormed out of the tour bus and entered the nearest pub to get drunk. He didn’t know how Monica found him there but she did, he remembered her texting Silas not to wait up, pretending to be Ollie as she texted Silas. He remembered trying to tell her to leave him alone but she was persuasive and he soon gave up trying. He’d gotten so drunk, he’d used her to forget about Lacey. It hadn’t worked out and he felt guilty and sick.

He finally arrived at the tour bus and tiredly climbed the steps up and went inside.

“Where have you been Ollie?” asked Bradley.

“Please say you didn’t do anything stupid” said Jack.

“I was out, sorry you worried but I’m back now” he muttered.

“She came back you know” said Silas.


“Lacey, she came back about an hour after you left. She was shouting for you and she looked so happy like she’d worked something out” said Silas.

“What did you tell her?” asked Ollie quietly.

“That you’d left with Monica. She looked so upset, we didn’t see her for the rest of the evening” said Silas.

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