Chapter Fourteen - 'I'm Yours, You're Mine'

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Chapter Fourteen – ‘I’m Yours, You’re Mine’

Lacey woke up on her last day in Paris happy and refreshed. Lacey had spent all of yesterday afternoon chatting to Elena. That girl was impossible not to like and Lacey found she had a lot of common with Elena. Elena even helped Lacey sort out her twitter account – which had been sorely neglected – by helping her reply to fans and record her first twitcam.

The boys had left in the early morning having several radio interviews to do before lunch. Then they had a signing and an afternoon television interview to do. The girls had promised to watch the television interview as the boy’s had promised it would be big.

Jenny had her own ideas for the day, having been given the go ahead by Ian. She would be taking Lacey and by extension Elena to a photo-shoot to get those shots of Lacey done. It seemed that Jenny was spearheading the campaign to make Lacey a celebrity in her own right. Lacey wasn’t as worried as she should have been as she knew she was in good hands when it came to Jenny’s guidance and she knew then how her name was becoming known, she couldn’t hide from her growing popularity.

Though Jenny chastised Lacey for having such vibrant hair that didn’t universally match all colours, she managed to dress Lacey in all manner of beautiful clothing from long luxurious gowns, to casual shorts and t-shirts. The photographer was a happy pot-bellied man in his forties and was very pleasant to work with, never once shouting at the girls. At the end of Lacey’s official shoot, he even allowed the three girls to pose together in some shots. He declared that every girl should deserve to feel beautiful with friends and that the photos would act as a wonderful memory of their growing friendship.

Lacey was surprised how quickly her friendship with Elena had blossomed considering friendship with Elena had blossomed considering that she only arrived the night before but she guessed that this was how it was when you found a good friend. You just clicked and felt like you’d known each other years rather than hours.

The girls made their way back to the hotel after grabbing some lunch and made themselves comfortable on Lacey’s bed. They turned on the TV and waited for the boys to appear.


“You know they’re going to ask about our relationship statuses” said Jack.

“They always do” replied Ollie. “Yes but what are you going to tell them? The fans know you aren’t dating Monica anymore” said Jack.

“I’m going to tell them the truth, that I’m dating Lacey” said Ollie.

“Did you tell Lacey you were going to announce her as your girlfriend?” asked Jack.

“No” said Ollie nervously.

“You don’t think she’ll be annoyed? I thought you guys were helping things on the down-low” said Jack.

“I can’t hide it anymore Jack. I wanted her since before Dublin and now I have her I want everyone to know” he said.

“You haven’t been together that long” said Jack.

“Unofficially we’ve been together a couple of days but we’ve been dancing a merry dance for weeks now and I think it’s time to put a label on things” said Ollie.

“Christ! You guys only had your first date a couple of days ago but if you want to do this then fine. Just remember that there will always be haters” said Jack.

“I know!” replied Ollie.

The two boys were joined by their other two band members and together they waited patiently in the wings of the stage to be called on. The interviewer – a dark skinned beauty this time – started off the interview with non-threatening questions about the tour, their latest single, what they did for fun on the tour bus and how they coped with being away from their families before moving onto more demanding questions. It would have been nice to have an interview where they weren’t asked about their love lives but as it was the question that all fans wanted to know the answer to, it was the question that was always asked.

“So Bradley I hear your girlfriend is visiting you on tour, that must make you happy, and how long is she staying?” asked the interviewer.

“Yeah, I’m super happy that she’s here, she’ll be staying for the majority of the European tour” he said happily.

The interviewer smiled “Silas there was a rumour that you were getting serious with a mystery girl, is there any truth in that?” she paused, then added “so Jack where does your love life stand?”

“Mystery girl aye? That’s the first I’ve heard of her. No one told me I was being followed by an invisible woman” he said making the crowd laugh “but no I’m still free and single” he added.

“I’m also single” said Jack quietly.

“Now Ollie, we know you aren’t with Monica anymore” said the interviewer, pausing when the crowd cheered “but something tells me you aren’t single either”.

Ollie barked out in laughter “well, you’re right about that” he said.

“Really? Do tell” said the interviewer leaning into hear the juicy gossip.

“We got off to a bumpy start but soon our feelings for each other grew. I took her out of our first official date when we arrived in Paris and we’ve grown closer everyday” he said.

“How romantic but do tell us her name, do we know her?” asked the interviewer.

Ollie nodded his head “I believe you all know her, my girlfriend is Lacey Edwards our amazing writer” he announced.


“Did he just say what I think he said?” asked Lacey.

“If you’re asking if he announced you as his girlfriend on live television, then yes he did” said Jenny.

Lacey made an unidentifiable sound that sounded sort of like a pained whimper.

“Are you ok?” asked Elena softly.

“I…erh…I” stuttered Lacey.

Jenny giggled “shocked are you”.

“I’m dating Ollie Smith” whispered Lacey.

“That’s surprising you why?” asked Jenny.

“Its official” replied Lacey nervously.

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