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All I can see around me is Red. Almost. There are also worried faces staring at me. Some people are looking at me as if I could do something to save them. 

Before even saving them, I need to save myself. This place is horrible. All I can hear are people screaming. The clave call each person one by one and asks them if they have any last words. After that they chain the prisoners and burn them to death. Once the body falls to the floor, they open the trap door placed below them and chuck the body underground. These people are so cruel. 

Don't they know that people have a life and that destroying it destroys a whole family? I can't even think about my body going down there... Somebody has to save me or I will be dead. 

" Veritas Vos Liberabit" 

I don't understand what Theo is trying to say to me. 

"You will set yourself free" 

 I feel like I'm in a movie all of a sudden. I might have to fight on my own. Theo isn't coming to save me is he? Just then a hand grabs my shoulder.

" Why are you here? says a woman.

She had long brown hair with toffee skin and brown eyes. For once I met someone with normal eyes. She had a pentagram tattoo on her neck. I presume she's not a Vampire. She seems kind, but I probably shouldn't trust anyone around here.

" Umm, who are you? "I ask.

" Sorry for that, I probably should introduce myself, I'm Elena Loftwood."

She hugs me with a huge smile. She reminded me of myself but when I was 8 years old. She obviously wasn't 8, she was probably the same age as me or a little bit older.

" Rain Salaya... "

" It's a beautiful name.  What is a beautiful girl like you doing in the execution cell? "

" It's a long story, I probably shouldn't tell you. It's best for everyone... "

" Well...  I'm here because they wanted me to use my extreme power to revive a powerful demon... "

"And you refused? "

" Yes of course I refused I don't want war in this world... Awakening on older demon can engender huge conflicts and especially great danger to our kind. Demons shall all be killed. Sooner or later they will destroy us all. So there is no way that I am going to awaken a demon. Charles is one of the most powerful demons ever known in the shadoworld.  Nobody can awaken a demon unless they are a demon themselves or one of the most powerful witches worldwide. They tried to make me do it but I didn't so they sent me here."

I am suddenly really hurt. What she just said hurt me a lot. I'm a sort of Demon, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hurt somebody on purpose. I don't think I deserve to die. I've been a Demon since I'm born and I am not known as a cold evil person. I've been appreciated by everyone and I don't like evil people. So yes I am a Demonated Hybrid but that doesn't mean I'm like the others.

" Don't you think that certain people... I mean Demons can be nice? "

" NO! No demon can be nice. If there is a nice demon I think they should not be considered "demon" then. Are you a vampire?

No, I mean sort of.  You know what? Forget I-"


This is the moment when I could say goodbye to seeing Matt,  Elly or my mom again. The Clave just called me and a guard came and opened the cell door. They pull me in front of a faceless man with a flame torch ready to burn me.

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now