~ Seven ~

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Song:  The Vampire Diaries: End theme


∗∗∗TRIGGER WARNING! Read at your own risk.∗∗∗

Enjoy reading.

I think I blacked out because I was put back on my bed, at home. When I wake up,  nobody is there.  But on my bed shelf is a note nicely written in blue ink. 

"I'll be back soon princess, here's my number"

I didn't know who left the message, Jason or Matt?  There is only one way to find out.

I dial the number.

" Hello? Rain? "

Urgh it was Jason.

" Oh hey...  hi. I just wanted to know who the number belonged to... sorry for disturbing... "

I hung up. I had no trust in Jason. Why would he let me feed on his blood? Just then the door knocks really hard.  Like really hard. I walk slowly down the stairs still feeling my legs begging for rest . I have a horrible headache and now wasn't the time to run. I open the door and there's a gang of people outside. They were 7 and the leader seemed to be the woman. She had ginger afro hair that probably needed brushing.

" May I help you?" I ask confused.

They grab my hands and lead me outside. I feel my body burn under the sun rays. I feel like I'm going to burn to death. I try to fight but it's useless.  They throw me into a van and drive away. This is the first time I experience kidnapping.

When I was younger, I always told myself that I would stab the person who kidnapped me an fight with him. I guess there is always an expectation and a reality.

Once we arrived at our stop, they grabbed me and lock me up with chains on a chair in an old cellar. They had blinds that shot out powerful rays of sunlight after they pull a string. I'm scared.  I hope someone comes and saves me.

"We will ask you questions and you have to answer them honestly.  If you try and fool us we will open the blinds,  if you hesitate to answer a question we will open the blinds and if you attempt running away we will open the blinds!! " says the lady.

I nod. I had nothing to lose anyway... They don't have any lying detector.  I think they're just gonna see if my face lies.  I'm gonna have to play it tough if I want to lie on something.

" What's your name? "

" Lila Ley"

A lie. I don't think they noticed.

"Who is Matt Riviera? "

"A friend, he's a Vampire"

"Who's Elly Alicia Parsons"

"My best friend.  She's a witch "

" Do you know about the powerful witches Worlwide? "

I hesitate. I needed to protect my mom.  Huge mistake!

They open the blinds.  My skin is smoking and I let out a scream full of pain and they watch me suffer with no pity.

" What do you know about the powerful witches worldwide!?! "

" I- I don't know all of th-them.  I only know one.  Her name is G-Gloria Alice P-parsons. She's the Great witch of the North and she is Elly's mother... "

They look at each other.  I never should of spoken about Gloria. She is trouble because of me now. Anyway I don't care about Elly anymore.  She betrayed me by going out with Matt.

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