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Over at the London Institute

Theo's POV

" Wait so can you recall miss Bambridge she needs to tell us exactly what she saw." said Barry my coeworker.

" Just imagine she saw another supernatural creature, what the hell would we do next?"

" We're gonna have to use another warlock...AGAIN!" says Taylor.

" Can she just stop going out to party all the time? We have enough job here in this institute. We can't carry on stopping the "real" business we're doing for some twenty year old teen who can't stop spotting us!"I say.

" High Five Theo! You said it all. Don't sleep too late bro and eat up you're losing your handsome self.

" So Theo? Are you sure you wanna stay up all night and stare at the footages?"asks Barry seriously.-

" Nah I'm tired I'm probably gonna head for a warm bath?"

" You? Head for a warm bath? Since when do you even do that?"

" Since now B! See ya tomorrow."

" Yeah see you T. Don't start screaming your girlfriend's name out so loud!"

" Barry that's so not funny okay? Plus she's not even my girlfriend."

" Look Theo you're gonna have to stop denying it okay. You can't even spend the day without thinking about her!"

" Enough B! Good night!"

" Good night my friend."

I leave the main room ( calles the "defect plaid" in this institute) to head to my room. Taking the stairs hurts so much. I can't even feel my body anymore. I mean my legs. Since Rain left I don't feel any need to eat. All I think about are my duties and the fact that I really want to see her again. She's literally killing me and I swear down that the next time that I see her I'm going to keep her forever. There's no way that I'm going to let go of Rain all over again.

No way.

But there's one thing that is literally bothering me.

 Why the hell is Rain not answering my calls?

. I mean I shouldn't be worrying but the fact that Matt left with her isn't as great. It's been ages since we have spoken. Like what?... 3 weeks?

I hope she's okay.

I head to my room and to head to the bathroom. I take off my top and my pants and put a towel around my waist. I grab my slippers to go to the bathroom until something literally interrupted me...


" Ooo hi Theo looking all hot for the night, where are you going?" she winks flirting obviously.

"I probably have a towel because I'm going to shower... as if that wasn't obvious. As if!"

" Chill down with the attitude little boy. I deserve respect."

" I don't see which respect you deserve knowing you you snog around with Matt's baby brother."

" He's 17 Theo why do you care?"

"Whoever stays around that douch of Jacob doensn't revolve around me."

" You know what? For someone who cares so much about a friend you are a jerk! Hate people like you!"

" Wait what? Who's the one barging into my room? The person who can't let a guy shower in peace, then you women wonder why we stink so much! "

" You guys stink because of your attitude not because you don't shower."

Self Control: Demonated Hybridsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें