~ Nine ~

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Where were you all this time?"

" Umm... "

Jason stands up at stares at me deeper right through my soul.

" Where WERE you?!"

" That's clearly so none of your business Jason"

He stood even closer to me and started touching my face.

" You can tell me anything baby, let me show you what happens to girls like you..."

Jason walked and got so close to me that nothing could separate us not even a penny. He bit his lip and stared at my mine. He leaned closer if that was even possible and kissed me hugging my waist. He lightly picked me up and threw me to the ground making me lie down on the hard floor. I didn't even have the time to stand up that Jason was already on top of me.

" I'm gonna send you to heaven babe."

He stared at me with a smirk and kissed my neck. Then moved on to my chest and then to my waist. I tried moving for him to stop touching my chest but he carried on until he ripped my top off me.

" That's better."

He lied down on top of me leaving me breathless. He took of his top and kept kissing my neck. He started ripping my bra off until I screamed.


Wait let me help you like it better"

He bit his wrist again and a river of blood leaked down his muscly arm. I stared at it. I stood up and stared at him.

" I-I don't need your d-disgusting blood!"

" Oh yes you do..."

He stood up, picked me up and placed me on the bed. He lied down on top of me and tried putting his wrist in my mouth.

I shook my head as many times trying to avoid his filthy wrist from touching my mouth until he got pissed.

He took his wrist and rubbed it on my chest making it leak on my bra as well as on my waist. He licked the blood off of my bra. He smirked touching my boobs and my thigh.

Finding nothing to do for him to stop, I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell off the bed in pain shouting for his mother.

I stared at him in pain feeling abused. I really didn't want his blood, I didn't feel like drinking any of it. Not even a single drop. I let his blood leak on my body, I didn't care. Then I realized I was wearing the ring with the red circle. It was helping me to keep my urge for blood.

" Stop trying Jason!!" I shouted at him even though I was pretty upset.

Just then Matt came in my room with a plate of noodles and fish.

" What the-"

I understood exactly what Matt was going through at this very instant. It was normal for him to react like this. I was sitting down on the edge of my bed full of blood in my bra almost letting my side boob whilst Jason had his wrist covered in blood, had no top on and was kneeing down holding his "secret organ". Pillows were on the floor. My room was simply a mess.

" Jason get out!... " I could tell Matt was trying to keep his anger in clenching his jaw.

Jason stood up and left the room winking at me.

" Don't tell him too much about what we did babe" he smirked and left

" What's going on Rain?"

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now