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Driiiiiing Driiiiiiing! I wake up with the sound of a phone ringing downstairs. Theo stands up grabs his pants and leaves the room shirtless to answer the phone.

" May I at least know who this is...

"Yes she's here safe...

" No she'll be fine... 

"If you find it necessary...

" Okay bye."

Theo runs back upstairs with a disgusted look on his face.

" Oh it's just one of Jenny's sisters she just wanted to know if Jen was okay."

"Okay then why that look?"

" I'm disgusted that I woke up to get a stupid call like this."

" Oh okay. Anyway did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did actually, what about you?"

" Yes I slept well after the infend you gave me. You don't know how happy I am to be here, with you..."

" I'm happy you're here with me believe it or not you're great company."

" Thanks."

" I'm heading downstairs to make food. I'll be right back."

" Can I have a salad please with no eggs and some mayo."

" You always think you're in a buffet don't you?"

" You got me."

Whilst Theo heads downstairs I go and shower. It's been a long time I hadn't had a shower. I enter the bathroom next door and to my surprise the bathroom is huge! The bathtub could literally fit 2 people in it.

 The idea of taking a shower disappeared I chose to take a bath instead. 

On the side of the bathtub there were a load of different scented soaps and shampoos and different colored bath salts. I chose the pink and blue bath salts and the almond flavoured soap. I also wanted to wash my hair so I chose the coco scented shampoo. 

I let the water pour up to the top I drop the bath salts in it making the water a purple color. I take off the bandage and I step in the bath letting the water wash away my pain. I closed my eyes thinking bout how perfect my life is right now. I was safe in this institute and Theo was by my side. Everything is perfect but I feel empty because I still don't know where my mom is and if she is okay. I sink my head in the water without opening my eyes.

I take the shampoo and pour it in my scalp. I massage my hair softly. I feel the bubbles landing on my scalp. Last time I had shampoo on my head was when I was living with Matt. I rinse my body and my hair and I grab my towel. I climb out of the bath, I walk back to my room and Theo isn't back yet.

 I turn on the music from Theo's radio and I cream by body. I put on my black underwear and bra until just then Single Ladies by Beyonce plays on Theo's radio.

Who still has radios in 2018? I guess Theo.

 I take my brush and I start dancing like a dumbass. Literally I was a psycho in underwear dancing and singing around with a brush in front of my mouth to fake a microphone. I start jumping on my bed and off to the ground. I jumped to the ground way too hard which made my leg scar really hurt. I drop the brush on the floor and I put my hand on top of the wound knowing my bandage was traadhes away as I wasnt going to shower with it.

Theo comes back in.

" Rain you're so stupid. Like how the fuck can you dance in your underwear like this."

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now