~ Four ~

90 8 5

Song:  Every breath you take by      Denmark + Winter.

He speeds up to me with his Vampire speed and chokes me against the wall.

" If you dare repeat this to anybody, I will kill you and rip you apart with no remorse. You don't know me Rain and I don't think you want to find out what I'm capable of."

"... " I ignored him and that made him even more mad.

He pushed me on the bed and stared at me as if he wanted to kill me. 

He did the unexpected. 

He put his lips on mine and started kissing me with passion. I was shocked. His eyes turned pure gold until he started touching my waist. 

I don't want him to stop.

Is this what it feel like to love somebody?

  All I want in this very moment was to protect him.  Protect him from everything which is why I'll keep my mouth shut. He is a Vampire. I am kissing a vampire.

He caresses my cheek and keeps kissing me.  His kisses are warm and passionate.  He starts kissing my neck then my chest and my waist.  He puts my arms up and starts kissing my shoulders. 

After awhile he stops.

" Please don't say a word to anyone. Not Even to Elly.  Not about this and not about what you found out.  I'm begging you."
He got off me and left the room.
He left me confused. I still feel his touch.

Well that's what I thought.

To be honest that's what I thought was going to happen.

Fuck you Rain for your stupid imagination!

Shut up.

Matt zooms up to me and chokes me against the wall again!  This time his grip tightened leaving me with no more oxygen to breath.

" get off m-me y-you bastard" I said with my remaining breaths.

He got madder.  He threw me against the wall banging my head on it.  I had no strength left. He got closer to me and pinned me on the wall. I forced myself to wiggle out of his tight grip but my body couldn't afford that. He stared at me with his glowing red eyes. With the small energy I had left, I stared at him.

" Matt what are you doing? "

This guy is crazy.  He needs help.

He zoomed into the guest room and shut slammed the door shut.
My head is banging I can't do anything.  I crawl back on my bed.

I close my eyes hoping this was just a nightmare and that I wouldn't do one of those again in my sleep.


I woke up this morning with sunlight in my eyes. I turn my head around to find myself facing Matt really closely. Fuck!

What is he doing here back in my room?  Did he forget what he did to me last night?

He wakes up and throws on a smirk.

" I hope you understand what I mean now baby"

"What, the fact that you're a monster on the fact that you're a bastard"

"Stop with the attitude"

He went to the gym down in the basement and started punching his punching bag. I walked down the stairs with my pj's and slippers I couldn't help but peek at how he was punching it. Weirdly my head stopped banging.  And no trace of bruises were seen on my body.

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now