~Thirty Six~

28 4 1

I'm almost at her house.I only have to walk a few minutes and turn right. I'm so exited to see her again.

Oh shit!

I'm gonna see Matt again. I don't like that. I don't like HIM. Why? Because he's an asshole. He put Rain in danger and doesn't even know how to take care of her. If I find out that he didn't take care of her again, he will eat my fist.

I finally arrive in front of a white door with a number 1 on it. Here I am on street Malbour in front of door number 1.

My heart starts racing. I text Barry.

" Dude I'm in front of her house, wish me luck"

I look at my phone for about 30 seconds, which seemed like 10 minutes, for Barry's message. He didn't see my message or texted me.

What a douche!

I step towards the huge white door and held my breath before breathing all of it out again. I take my hand and banged my knuckles on the door.

Waiting for an answer, nobody answers.

I knock again this time much louder. I hear a few loud footsteps coming towards me from the inside. Male steps...


He opens the door and frowns.

A deep frown.

" What are you doing here?" he frowns without breathing.

" I've come to see Rain."

He breaths heavily giving me a very bad Vampire shady look " Why?"

" Because I came to get her."

" For what reason?"

" That she only wants to stay with me."

He looks at the ground frowning whilst tapping his nail on the door making a faint tapping sound.

" Well sorry asshole you can't see her." He says closing the door on my face.

I push the door in order for it to stay open. I keep my hand pushed against it.

" Let go off my door. Now!" He says sharply.

" You mean her door." I say back at his frowning.

He opens the door wide, walks out of it and approaches me.

" I told you not to come for her and to not try and stick around her. I've lost her because of you!" he shouts holding my shirt.

I push him back violently by the chest " Who do you think you are to tell me any of this . What do you mean you've LOST HER!!"


" She's WHAT? SHE'S WHAT?!" I punch him in the right jaw like promised. " YOU DIDN'T TAKE CARE OF HER LIKE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO!" I punch him in his left jaw harder. " YOU HAD ONE FUCKING JOB TO DO AND..." I pause, anger boiling in me, " AND YOU BLEW IT AGAIN!!" I say punching his jaw making it bleed." By now we were already inside the house, him, trying to fix his jaw.

I walk towards him again and punch his stomach, then the head, the nose and the jaws again. I push him towards the wall until he snickers.

" You are really brave to come and kick a Vampire's ass..."

Just then, he stands up and speeds towards me. He started off by harshly punching my jaws, then punch my nose and punch my stomach. I immediately started coughing blood around the house. Not because I'm weak, but because this dude is a Vampire.

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now