~ Twenty Two ~

41 6 1

2 weeks later

It's been a while that I'm stuck in my room with only little food and no one to talk to. Guilt invading my brain and my mind just wanting one thing... To apologize.

I want to apologize to Matt for telling my mom the horrible truth just to get rid of him. Even though I still feel a lot of hatred towards Matt he was right. There is no point of not forgiving him for ONE mistake he did concerning me. I've made loads of mistakes like lying to Elly but she forgave me. 

I don't know why I can't just forgive Matt and move on. He was also right on the fact that he did  alot for me and I can't deny that I haven't fallen for him. I loved Matt before we left. I have to figure out how I'm going to get to his house.

Which is going to be tough because my mom checks up on me to make sure her "prisoner" is okay. I live in a house so I can escape from the window but if I do my mom will see me knowing that my window is just top of the living room's one. I'm going to have to wait until she goes grocery shopping or something.

I haven't had many news from Theo because my phone has been confiscated. She gives me my phone 1 hour a day just to talk to " Elly" and some of my other friends. 

She deleted Matt and Theo's number in my phone though. I feel like a kid getting grounded for stealing sweets from the grocery store when I'm actually 17. Like what does my mom want from me? She wants me to tell her the truth and I told her what she wanted but whats the point of punishing me then?

Like decide what you want mom!

She gives me the phone at around 1pm so my plan to escape will have to happen between 1 and 2pm. Right now its 11am so I have to wait for another 3 hours to get this planned. 

Anyways I head to bath trying to sort my life out. I wish I had a normal life like every normal teenager. I wish I could live with my mom and my dad in the same house, that I could have a boyfriend that would love me for real that I could have a best friend that I could consider like a sister.

I wish...

I get out of the vanilla scented bath and I head out of my bathroom in a pink towel. Then I got an idea.

What if i tell my mom that I have to go out to see Elly just to catch up on things and tell her what happened to me?

Knowing my mom was going to come in at any second now to hand over my breakfast I could just ask her. I chose to braid my hair back, wear basic white bra and panties, black jeans, white top written " Whatever " on it and heeled sneakers. Whilst I was putting my right sneaker my mom unlocks my door and comes in.

" Umm where do you think you're going Rain?"

" I was going to ask you if I could hang out with Elly... Its been 2 week that I've been back and stilI need her and she also needs me because her mom is held captive. Please mom I really need to go and see her!"

" Gloria is held captive?"

" Yes by this gang."

" Okay I'll give your father a call and you can go see Elly. I want you back in 2 hours and not a second more. I don't want you to go anywhere else are we understood young lady."

" Fine mom trust me okay? I don't even know where Matt lives and Theo is all the way in London. You don't have to worry about that!"

" Oh I'm not worrying. Worry about yourself Rain, I just warned you."

" Okay.."

My mom places the tray on my desk and heads to the door

" Mom?..."

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