"Yes..." I asked cautiously.

        "I'm going to do your hair and make up." She smiled then looked me up and down, "And find you something else to wear." She laughed.

        I looked at my attire, a black Pink Floyd t-shirt along with jeans, which were a little to loose and a pair of DC skater shoes. "Hey what's wrong with my clothes?"

        "You look like you belong in a skater magazine, also it's a little grungy, and I'm assuming you don't lack money considering the car you drive."

        I raised my eyebrows at her forwardness.

        "Hey! What are friends for right?" And again she wasn't mocking me, or purposely poking jabs at me to make herself seem superior, she was being honest. I knew I didn't have any fashion sense, I liked being comfortable and if hoodies and jeans were what did it then...that's what I wore.

        "I can't believe I'm going to say this..." I pursed my lips, and noticed how Stacy was anxiously waiting for my answer, "but fine!" Before I even had time to set out some conditions she was squealing with excitement and dragging me to the stairs.

        "You know..." she started while wrapping some of my hair around the curling iron, "Tate is totally into you."

        I felt a flush began to surface in my cheeks, "Oh really?" Trying to sound nonchalant. She nodded.

        "I'm sorry if..." I began not knowing how to phrase it.

        "What?" then she must have realized where I was going with it, judging by her next words "Oh god ew. No Rileigh." She laughed, "All yours..." she was now doubling over laughing uncontrollably.

        I didn't understand what was so funny, so I asked, "What's wrong with him?"

        When her laughing fit finally subsided the slightest bit she replied, "He's my cousin dude."

        "Oh." I started laughing as well, I didn't know what I found more funny, the fact that I thought she had a thing for Tate and it turned he was her cousin or the fact that "dude" was the very last word I would ever expect to come out of Miss red haired, pink skirted, high heeled cheerleader girl.

        "Caleb on the other hand...you stay away from." She winked and pointed a finger at me in the mirror.

        Caleb was one of Tate's best friends, and fellow football player. I met him at lunch earlier that day. He was just as good looking as Tate but he seemed to be less confident, a little shyer. He had deep brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair, he had the same "football" player build and was just as muscular as Tate...from what I could tell that is.

        "Oh speaking of Caleb, I called Tate on the way over and asked that he pick him up, I hope you don't mind, figured it could be a double date kind of thing." She said.

        "No I don't mind sounds great."

        About an hour and a half later we were standing in front of my full length mirror with minutes to spare. I barely recognized myself. My chocolate colored hair was wavy and hanging loosely ending just above my waist, I was wearing a light purple eye shadow making my eyes stand out.

        Stacy had torn through my closet, in her words—there is no way I lived in Seattle and only owned "boy" clothes. And she was right. She found the box of clothing I had stuffed away, things my mom had bought me but I never actually wore. Well until now apparently.

Amaranthine (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now