Chapter 20 - Contego

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Chapter 20: Contego

          I phoned my mom and after six long rings got her voicemail. I sighed then pretty much told her she was busted and to phone me as soon as she could. I was going to leave a nastier message but I figured it was pointless yelling into a voicemail and also unfair. She may have lied to me my entire life but I was trying to stay composed and act like a grown up. A small part of me could after all, somehow understand why she did what she did—she was my mother and she was trying to protect me.

          Don’t get me wrong…I was still pissed.

          It was then decided by Liam that Mr. Andrews—Dallas should get home, Stacy should stay with me and everyone should get some sleep. The look Dallas gave Liam told me he didn’t like this idea, and he told him as much. “I’m not going anywhere, Janice told me specifically to keep an eye on her daughter who let me remind you, just nearly fell prey to a damn Kelpie until I—the only one with the skills at the moment—interfered. Mason would have my head if anything happened to Rileigh, ergo I’m staying put.”

          Liam snorted. “Like bloody hell you are. For all we know you set this whole thing up so you could get close to Rileigh. Ergo,” he said dripping with sarcasm. “You are leaving. You can sleep in the barn for all I care, but you are not staying in this house. If we need you I can come get you in a flash, but that will also be a last resort.”

          Dallas let out a snort-laugh of his own. “As if you could make me do anything—”

          “No, Liam’s right.” I stated. “I don’t know you, I can’t get a hold of my mother and until I do you will not be trusted.”

          Stacy raised her hand like we were in school and said, “I can put a protection spell on the house, it will not allow anyone in and it will also block any glamor in case another Kelpie decides to make an appearance, and with Rileigh’s strange but intense magic, her presence here will reinforce the spell ten-fold.” She sounded absolutely sure of herself and that was good enough for me.

          “So it’s settled then.” I stood up and a wave of dizziness had me sitting down the very next second. My head was pounding and my hand found it’s way to the wound that was caused by the head on encounter with my closet shelf—luckily no stiches were pulled in all the chaos that occurred, and the other small gash in my head caused from flying through the living room was no longer bleeding.

          Liam gave me a grave look telling me he didn’t miss the dizzy spell. I gave him my most charming smile in return. “I’m fine. Just a bit worn out is all, nothing a good night’s rest can’t remedy.”

          Dallas grunted as if he had mentally been arguing with himself, and shook his head. “Fine I’ll go, but I will give you my number and address just in case.” He took a takeout menu off the fridge and a pencil from the basket on the counter and scribbled on it. He then handed me the piece of paper, which contained his cell number as well as his house number, and his address. “Stay safe and do not open your door for anyone,” he said before turning to leave.

          But before he reached the back door I stopped him. “Wait, one more question before you go.” I had been curious about this for a while now, I don’t know why, it was a rather silly question compared to everything else going on. “Why is it each day I see you look more like you have been on a week long bender, when just a week ago you looked completely together.”

          To my surprise he laughed, arched a brow and said, “do you really think the Kelpie was the first creature after you? Rileigh I have been protecting you since you set foot in Sky River.” With that he walked out the door.

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