Chapter 16 - Poison

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QUICK RECAP – Last chapter, Rileigh decided she was going to get Stacy to do a spell to allow Stacy to see Liam. So they headed over to Stacy’s where Rileigh briefly met Stacy’s drunken/baking mother Amber. They got Stacy’s goods and high tailed it out of there. From there they had pizza for lunch back at Rileigh’s and then decided to head to school to pick up missing assignments since they still had 12 hours until midnight (when a witch’s spell was strongest) Mr. Andrews looked even more disheveled than he did before and he was acting kinda weird. The girls didn’t analyzed this too much, Rileigh figures he is just going through a bad break up. After school Stacy mentioned that maybe Tate could help too since he was also a witch, Rileigh politely refused because she didn’t want to bring too many people in on this, also Liam didn’t even think Rileigh should tell Stacy. This is when Liam appeared again and made it clear Tate was to stay away. And then left once again. Stacy then brought Rileigh home and told her she would be back closer to midnight. Rileigh was thankful because she really needed sleep. -End of chapter 15-

Chapter 16: Poison 

A warm breeze caressed my skin and lightly blew my auburn hair around my face. I looked around and saw that I was standing in the middle of a massive field that went on for what looked like miles. The sun was huge and vibrant orange meaning it was in the final stages of setting in the horizon.

The sight was beautiful, but I knew I couldn’t stay, she wasn’t too far behind and I had to reach Liam before she caught up to me, I took one last glance at the beautiful sunset before sprinting to the tree line. After all it could very well be the last time I ever saw that immaculate scene.  

I felt my heart hammering in my chest and my breathing quicken. My bare feet pounded against the forest floor and the hem of my long eggshell coloured dress, dragged in the mud.

My legs hurt, my chest hurt, and my feet were raw. I had been running for what felt like hours, but I had to keep going. I had to tell Liam what I found out - I had to tell him Cliona’s plans.

“Amelia, dear.” That bone chilling voice brought me to an abrupt halt. I knew her catching me was inevitable but I sure wished I could have made it home and got a message to Liam before that happened.

I shifted my eyes from side to side slowly, trying to find out exactly where the witch was hiding. “It seems you have been a naughty, naughty child,” the voice came from behind me, causing my reflexes to jolt me around, only she was still no where in sight, “going places you shouldn’t, taking personal belongings that are not your own.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about you hag.” I yelled out. Then I began reciting something under my breath - a protection spell. It just came natural, and instinctively.

“You bloody ignorant girl.” This time her voice was right behind me. I whipped around just in time to catch a glimpse of a hand before it struck me across the face, causing me to fall to the muddy ground. “You think your little incantation can stand against me? You’re a fool, is what you are.”

I said nothing, I knew I had to keep my mouth shut. So I just stared up at the maniac standing above me. I knew what she was capable of. I’ve seen it.  

“Where’s the book Amelia?”

That was the missing piece, the key to helping Liam and defeating Cliona is The Book of Aodh. We have been searching for a long time now, trying to find a lead as to what exactly happened to him all that time and now I knew, I only wish Liam knew who was behind this curse. “I will die before I tell you anything.” I spat.

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