yuurikatsudon- i love you too vitya x

i sometimes forget that me and yuuri aren't teenagers.
we're both full-grown adults who work every day and pay our own bills. we drink, we drive. (NOT COMBINED. a/n don't drink and drive kiddos. this has been a psa)

but whenever i talk to yuuri, it feels like we're two dumb teenagers in love who don't have a clue about the world yet. i completely loose myself in him, and find myself thinking the cheesiest things about his eyes, his smile, his hair, his hands, his tummy, his collarbones, his neck, his ears, his everything.

a part of me wants us to always be like that-the dumbfounded young lovers, who discover themselves through each other. but i think the thing i really want is for us to just live a life with each other. to share everything. to have that one person you can melt yourself into. to be able to love yuuri unconditionally, and have the same amount of love in return without yuuri even doing anything. hell, he can settle with breathing in my direction and that would be enough.
but one thing i've always wanted to do is to show him off to everyone.
so that's what i'm gonna do.

group chat: see you l8ter sk8ters

v-nikiforov- bonjour i have news ;)

(chris)tmas- you got a girl pregnant?

mila_cheva- why am i surprised

v-nikiforov- i aM NOT A FUCK BOY, NO

phichit.chu- HAHHAA YALL I KNOW ALL OF VICTOR'S TEA STEP THE FUCK BACK (still spill though)

heartbroken.georgi- jesus fucking christ how gay are you

phichit.chu- last time i checked, elton john

sglee- he's fucking me

phichit.chu- yeah my ass is his now

pewdiepie - wow congrats!

mickey.crispy- HIII!! congrats phichit and seung, me and sara are so happy for you

(chris)tmas- go bang your sister why don't you

plisetsky!atthedisco- what the FUCK did i just walk in on


sglee- okay okay, go ahead

v-nikiforov- so y'know that skater yuuri katsuki? he was quite big but we never went to any of the same competitions and he wasn't really in our group

princess_sara- i remember him! he was cute ^^ also hi lmao i'm lurking

v-nikiforov- well he's my baby boy now

mila_cheva- WHAT?!


otabackoff- awwww thats kinda sweet, congrats 👍🏻

(chris)tmas- you guys have your doubts because it's victor but they're actually so cute

phichit.chu- yuuri is a good boi

sglee- they are really cute

pewdiepie- i used to be friends with yuuri! he's a sweetie, you're lucky

v-nikiforov- i know ugh he's so precious

princess_sara- you guys are perfect for each other! so happy

mickey.crispy- you're perfect for me sara ❤️

plisetsky!atthedisco- this is incest

heartbroken.georgi- lmao didn't know you were gay but i love you all the same, yuuri is really nice

plisetsky!atthedisco- how the fuck did you not know he was gay? have you not been alive for the past 20 years?

pewdiepie- HAHAHHAHAA

v-nikiforov- thank you all ^.^ i was gonna add him in this if that's okay?


phichit.chu- me and seung say fuck yes

mila_cheva- don't see why not!

plisetsky!atthedisco- ew romance

v-nikiforov- aweee yuri, you'll learn to love him i promise

plisetsky!atthedisco- i've hated everyone in this chat since the day i got added. i'm not gonna make a twat that has THE SAME NAME AS ME an exception

otabackoff- you don't hate me, do you?

plisetsky!atthedisco- dm. now

otabackoff- taking that as a no lol :) and yes okay

for the uneducated kids -

plisetsky!atthedisco- yurio
otabackoff- otabek
mickey.crispy- mickey
mila_cheva- mila
heartbroken.georgi- georgi
pewdiepie- emil

also yurio is such a mood ooft

thanks for being so patient and loving uwu :))

c xxx

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