"Why don't you and Mommy go get your things, I'll put your baby brothers and sister back in their cribs." I offered.

Moments after they left, Aubrey walked in as I was cradling Liam.

"I didn't know you were coming over." he cleared his throat.

"I'm just picking OJ up." I told him.

"How's Anita?" he asked.

"You know, I haven't seen her today-"

"But Nic has." he cut me off.

I kissed Liam's forehead as I stood up, "Before you go assuming anything, I don't know what happened at their little lunch date."

"You mean to tell me Nic hasn't said anything to you?" he didn't believe me.

"Every time I begin to think we could actually genuinely get along, you turn me into the enemy again." I put Liam in his crib.

"Are you sure you put him in the right crib?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because that's Liam's crib." he stated.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I grabbed Allison off the rug just as she had rolled over and began to crawl, "I wish I'd have known you still can't tell your boys apart."

"And you're good at it?"

I put Allison in her crib without responding and did the same with Oliver before Aubrey grabbed my shoulder.

"Aubrey get off of me." I glared at him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." he heaved. "Sometimes.. you're just -"

"Hey y-" Nic came in and stopped in her tracks when she saw us, I took the moment to pull away from Aubrey's grasp. Nic approached us slowly, "What's going on with you two?"

"I'm gonna go."

"You should." Aubrey spat.

"No no! Why are you two fighting this time? I thought you guys were getting along, and now-" She started crying, "Now you're putting your hands on her.. and I - I just can't deal with you two fighting and Anita and-"

"Nika, hey.. everything is fine, he wouldn't hurt me." I assured her.

"What happened with Anita?" Aubrey asked.

"One thing at a time." I hushed him.

"Damn it Nic I'm sick of this bull shit!" he raised his voice.

"Oh my God. how fucking terrible can you be to try to turn this around." I snapped at him.

"Can you two put this on hold? I can't do this right now." Nic pleaded.

"No problem Nic. I'll go, and I'll see you in the morning." I said softly.

"Thanks babe." she nodded softly and hugged me. "Drive safe."

"I will."


After Lydia left, I shoved past Aubrey and went to my room.

"Nic come on." he followed me in.

"What is going to take?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Did I ask you for too much when we first got together? Because I swear I only asked 3 things of you."

"What were they?" he raised an eyebrow.

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