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BY: Non_Exquisite



   Your making me confused because now I don't know if it's ok to like it or not.

    "I'm sorry...I only thought of how I felt, I didn't think about your feelings and decided things on my own. I just felt so jealous and I didn't know what to do" Ming says as he looks away from me and I can't help but feel some of my anger cooling off. 

    "Ming, I'm sorry too. It's just that you've been acting weird today. You kept glaring at people verywhere we went. Even that store clerk you were giving nasty looks to. I just don't get it. Why are you acting like this" From the moment we got into the mall, I couldn't help but notice Ming's strange behaviour.

    "I don't know okay. I don't understand my own feelings right now. I just feel like I need to block you from other people so that you can see only me. It's so hard to know that your heart belongs to someone else and I guess I'm just scared that your attention will go to other people too" -Ming.

    "Oh" Sh*t, this is about me liking P'Phana and he thought someone else would get my attention? Damn. Why did I have to get mad, say all of that and make him feel bad. Now things are awkward.

    "W-We should go" Ming says and starts walking again but doesn't hold my hand or touch me in anyway like before. Walking a foot away from him suddenly feels like too much of a distance and it leaves a heavy feeling in my heart.

    I know his hurt by what I said. But things are just moving too fast. I'm stuck in the middle of this is my best friend, and this is my best friend who looks really good without a shirt on type of situation. On one hand I don't feel like it's right to think about him in that way, but on the other hand, I can't help but think of him in that way because he smells really good and everytime he puts his arm around me, I feel really warm and safe.

    Honestly, am I really that blind to not notice that guy 'flirting' with me as Ming said. I thought he was just trying to be nice. Now I've gone and ruined things by getting mad at him without fully understanding his side too. God I'm just doing everything wrong today. I just keep hurting him.

    As we are walking, I suddenly notice a couple of girls giggling and pointing, trying to push another girl in our direction. She's shaking her head at something they are saying but I'm too far to hear. Suddenly I see the girl has a determind expression on her face and walks directly at us.

    I see Ming tense and come to a halt as the girl stands in front of us. An overwhelming sense of unease sweeps over me. Damn, why do I have a sick feeling in my stomach?

    "Hi, I'm Aim" she says while she stretches out her hand to him.

    Don't touch her.

    "Ming" He says while he shakes it, but instead of letting go after, she brings it closer to her and holds it with both hands.

    What the hell. You just met him, don't be so forward. Don't act so familiar towards him. Let go of his hand.

    I don't like this.

    "I was wondering if you'd give me your number and we could meet up later maybe get to know each oth-"

    "No" Ming harshly snatches his hand away from her with no hesitation, grabs my hand and walks away without a second glance. For some reason I feel relieved. Hmm, it might be that it was a really uncomfortable situation and I don't have to be a part of it anymore.

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