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BY: Non_Exquisite



    Ming gave me that smirk and winked at me before I walked into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and lean against it. God what is wrong with me? My face is hot, am I blushing? And what is this weird feeling in my belly? I must be hungry, but if feels different from that hungry feeling. More like butterflies. Wait that's stupid. Never mind.  But if it's not hunger why is it so familiar?

    I'm changing my clothes while trying to figure out what this feeling is. And why am I reacting like this to Ming? I mean its not sudden. Ever since I had that dream about him two months ago I feel like the way I see him at times has changed. I don't remember much else about the dream other than Ming kissed me. On the lips. I couldn't look at him in the eye for a week after that. I try not to think about it because his my best friend.

    Ming kissing me on the lips, no way. Cheek I can believe but lips, no way. Ming is straight. Even though his never had a girlfriend, his always flirting with girls at school. His like a flirting machine. I know he wasn't serious but sometimes when I see him doing it, it would annoy me so much. I honestly don't know why I would get mad.

    I change my clothes and wash my face. My face is a bit puffy and red with all the crying I've been doing. Once I'm done I go back into the room and sit next to Ming on the bed.


    "I'm in love with you" Those words keep repeating in my mind. I don't know what to say or what to do. Ming is saying something but I don't know how to respond. I'm scared because I don't know what to do. I feel like in just a mere moment our relationship has shifted so much and I haven't had time to adjust or understand what is happening.

    I quickly put the stuff back into the first aid kit and walk over to the dresser to put it back. When I turn back around I have to catch my breath because Ming is right behind me. He walks closer until I have to crane my neck to look up at him. This would be a completely normal situation between us if it wasn't for that look he had in his eyes. I felt like he was the predator and I was prey. I try to back up but the dresser is there. He moves forward again and our fronts are touching now. My heart is beating really fast and my hands are getting sweaty. Why am I getting nervous and what is this feeling in my belly. I'm about to say something when he moves his face dangerously close to mine. He grabs the back of my neck, pulls me to him and he kisses me.

    My first kiss.

    It happened so fast that I didn't know what to do. I just stood there. When he pulls back and looks at me I can see the determination in his eyes, and something else I can't decipher. He starts kissing me again, this time his sucking and biting on my lips. I gasp at the sensation, opening up for him. He attaches the inside of my mouth with his tongue and I can't help but do the same. I don't know what to do so I just follow his lead, and do what he does.

    It feels good. Really good. O-oh god. Ming. I don't know what is happening. I feel like I'm losing control. My body feels so hot and my heart...oh f*ck. Feels so good. He puts his hand into my shirt, caressing my back and his other hand goes to my back and grabs on to my butt, pulling us closer together. Grinding against my...Oh god I can't...Ming, F*ck.

    I'm so caught up on this feeling that I don't notice Ming picking me up until his walking to the bed. He drops me on the bed and I bounce I bit. But it doesn't hurt. I've always thought his bed is too soft. Before I even have time to catch my breath his already on top of me. I'm laying on my back with him on top of me. He starts kissing me again. I feel like his eating me up and I can't help but like it, a lot. He starts grinding on my lower half and it's making me hard. I need...I need something. I don't know what to do. What can I do, but hold on as Ming takes what he wants, and makes me feel like I'm on fire.

    He lets my mouth free and I miss his already. I try to pull him back but instead he goes for my neck. He starts sucking and licking. "oh god...mmmm uhh!! F*ck" My moans are coming out loud and I can't control it. I feel like I'm about to explode and there it nothing to stop it.

    He stops kissing my neck and comes back to my lips. Pausing to look down at me "I love you Yo" he tells me. Suddenly my mind is cleared of the lust filled fog that clouded my mind just now. I can't bring myself to say it back because I know the meaning behind it.

    His doing this because he loves me. Why am I doing this? Do I love him like that too. Is it just lust. I know I'm attracted to him but I don't think how I truly feel about this. I know I like what we are doing. I know I'm happy when he says he loves me, but then I remember what happened this afternoon. I still care for P'Phana. I don't want to hurt Ming by giving him false hope. I don't want to hurt him later because I was selfish right now.

    His about to kiss me again but I put my hand to his chest and give him a small push to stop him. We are both breathing hard and we're both hard and I really don't want to stop but I know we have to. "Ming, let's stop now before this goes any further"

    I see the hurt in his eyes. I really hate that it's because of me. He moves away from me, looking defeated, and sits at the edge of the bed. He really looks down and it's killing me. I don't want things to be like this, I don't want to hurt him like this, but I know if I let this continue it's only going to hurt us both in the end. I go to sit next to him, I don't really know what else to do. But there are a lot of things I have to deal with and get over before I can even consider risking our friendship.

    "Ming, I'm sorry" I say after a while of sitting in silence and things down there have calmed down. "Even though P'Phana rejected me-" Ming quickly turns to look at me with a shocked face. "Indirectly"  I quickly say before he asks questions. "I heard him say that he doesn't like guys, that his not gay. I still haven't forgotten about him. It's going to take time for me to get over this and I can't just forget about him so easily. This is something I have to do in my own. I don't want to use you to forget about him, and I feel like that's what I would end up doing if I accept you right now and we continue doing that. I'm sorry Ming. I know what you are going through right now but I don't want to hurt you in the future by jumping into this with you right now"

    "Yo, I love you, and I would do anything for you. Including waiting for you to be ready to love me too." He says after a long silence. He looks at me with tear filled eyes and it breaks my heart. His body looks tense. I throw myself at him and hold him tightly in my arms. We stay like that for a while, crying on each other's shoulders, before he pulls back. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips, gets up and walks to the door. "I think it would be better if I sleep in another room tonight. Good night Yo" He gives me a small smile and walks out the door and I can't help but have this crushing feeling in my heart as I watch the door close. I don't want there to be distance between us. I want to hug him and hold him and never let go if it means he will never hurt like this again. For him to have that smile on his face that he gave me this morning on our way to school. That smile I only saw before I made the mistake of confessing my feelings for P'Phana to him.

    I like what we did but I like what we already have too. No matter how much I don't want things to change and to stay the same, it's already too late.

    I'm about to get up and go after him but I hear a buzzing sound on the side table, its Ming's phone. The screen is flashing so I walk over and pick it up. The time is 11:59pm. There are three notifications on top and twenty seven missed calls from me. But it isn't the number of phone calls that shock me. It's the three notifications. They are all following notifications from Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat from P'Kit. When did they start talking?

To Be Continued...

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