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BY: Non_Exquisite



I tried to call Ming several times but he didn't answer any of my calls. After a while it just went to voice mail. I was getting really worried. I've never seen him like that before so I don't know what to do. I felt bad for forgetting why I was in that hallway before I heard the things P'Phana said. lt hurts so bad. I really like him a lot, but his not gay and I knew that from the start, and now that I know that he is completely not in liking with the idea of being with another man, I am totally discouraged with the thought that it might be a possibility. I know I should give up but... I know it's going to take me a while to get over this.

Ming, where are you? I need you and I need to know your okay.

I ended up calling my driver to come pick me up because I didn't want to stay at school anymore, especially without Ming there. When I got home I took a shower to freshen up. When I looked in the mirror my eyes where red from all the crying. His words where still fresh in my mind and I could feel myself about to start crying again.

"Ming, where are you"

I tried calling him again but it went straight to voice mail. What is going on. What could have happened for him to be like that. Never had Ming never answered my calls or called me back soon after. We spent most of the day together so I can't think of anything that I might have seen or heard. He was pretty okay with everyone like always. But in that moment when I took him away from our class to talk to him privately, his mood and attitude seemed to change. Was it me? Did I do something?

I told him I liked P'Pha but he already knows I'm gay so it's not that. I'm thinking about every possibility but I just can't figure it out. Is it because I like P'Pha. But that doesn't make sense. He never said anything bad about him or that he didn't like him. Could something have happened between the two of them that I don't know about? Did Ming look at it as me not taking him into consideration because of there dislike for each other? Was it something that I should have known even without him saying anything to me? No that can't be. When Ming has a problem with someone or something he never fails to say it out loud. Am I looking at all this wrong. Ugghh! This is making my head hurt. I need to talk to Ming. I don't think I can calm down until I do.

I look outside my bedroom window and it's already dark, the clock says past ten. Have I been sitting here that long thinking about this? Is he home yet? I hope his okay. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him. I couldn't bare it.

I try his phone again but I get the same results, it goes straight to voicemail. I can't take this anymore. I rush out of my room and head downstairs. I don't like this uneasy feeling. Like something bad might have happened to him. I call for Mr. Chan, my driver so he can drop me off at Ming's house.

"Yo!" Dad.

Just as I'm about to walk out the door dad calls me. When did he get home. He was suppose to be on a business trip for another two days. I'm happy to see him though. I rush over to him and give him a hug. I feel like this is what I needed because today was a long emotionally day and dad has always been able to comfort me when even I was stressed. Whether it's his hugs or kind words.

"I thought you weren't coming back for two more days" I ask him as I let go.

"Yeah but one of my partners cancelled because of an emergency, so I came back early" he said.

"Welcome home"

"So where are you going so fast, it's already dark outside?" he asked.

"I'm going to Ming's house. I'm worried about him. I haven't been able to contact him for a while now and the last time I saw him he didn't look so good"

"Well, what happened?" dad asked. Dad has always been this kind of person. Always willing to listen to what I have to say and make time for me even when his running such a huge business.

I shake my head because I don't fully understand the situation either, and the only way to find out is to talk to Ming. "I don't know, that's why I have to go see him. Even his phone is off. I'm really worried"

"Ok, call me if you need anything. Take Kai and Chanyeol with you so that I can have a peice of mind" -Dad.


Kai and chanyeol are some of my dads security that he assigned for them to look after me when his away on business. Because of his business, I got a lot of threats on my life and a lot of kidnapping attempts when I was a kid, so everywhere I went, even if it looked like I was alone, there was always some one watching me. It doesn't really bother me much because most of the time I forget that they are there.

I nod and wave goodbye and make my way to the car. Kai is standing outside with the open door and Chanyeol is already inside. I always have to sit between them when we are in the same car. I greet them and tell Mr. Chan that we are going to Ming's house. It doesn't take long to get there and through out the ride all I'm thinking about is Ming. When we get there the street is very familiar to me. I get out of the car and run up the steps to the front door. I ring the door bell and wait. It might have been 30 seconds but it felt like so much longer than that.

The door finally opened and it's Ming's mom.

"Hello Wayo"

"Hi, Ma. Sorry to came by so late but is Ming home?"

"It's ok Yo," She said, pinching my cheek. She always does that every time I see her. I always feel bad when ever I see her because she once told me that I look like my mother, her best friend since they were kids. Im always sorry to her, and my Dad because if it wasnt for me, she would still be here. For a long time I was really depressed and Ming was there for me. They said it wasn't my fault but I knew that it was. I've never forgiven myself or forgot for even a single day what had happened that night. Ming is the only one I confided in on the matter.

"You can go upstairs, his in his room" she said.

"Thank you" I quickly rush up the stairs to Ming's room, walking down the halls that I used to play in as a child, I came to stand in front of Ming's door, trying to catch my breath.

I open the door and go inside, shutting it behind me.

To Be Continued....

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