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BY: Non_Exquisite



    Ming suddenly started running away from me. I was shocked at first because for as long as I have known Ming, not once had I seen him like this. His always cheerful and full of life. He can be serious sometimes too, like when people pick on me and he is there for me, but I cant remember the last time I saw him cry.

    The worry is killing me. I don't know what might have happened but I know that I have to be there for him. Ming isn't the type to run away from things, in fact just the opposite, he faces them head on, so for him to run and not even voice out his problems is unusual. This must be something truly bad.

    I run after him but his too fast and with those long legs I can't catch up. The distance between us keeps growing. The school is crowded by students. Today is the last day before summer holiday and everyone is just roaming free. It makes getting through very difficult. Ming turns to another hall and I lose sight of him, when I get to the next hall he is no where to be seen. I can't run any longer so I start walking in a quick pace, looking if I can spot him anywhere, out of breath, trying see if he is in any of the class rooms.

    "What are you saying, no I don't like guys!" What? Who is that? I turn to look into the class the voices are coming from and there is P'Phana, P'Beam, and P'Kit. "I'm not gay, I don't like guys, why would you even ask me something like that?"

    What? Did I hear that right? Have I been wrong all this time? Did I imagine everything? Is this truly happening right now?

    I could feel the tears pool into my eyes. I turn to run away but I bump into someone and fall to the floor. That hurt. A lot. The person is helping me up when I hear the sound of chairs sliding on the floor and look towards the noise. The P's are looking at me and so is P'Phana. How embarrassing. I could feel my face getting hotter and I feel the tears flowing down my cheeks now. I quickly turn away, say a quick apology to the person I bumped into and run down the hall. I end up in the washroom where I quickly lock myself in the stall as I continue to cry.

    I hate this feeling. I don't know how to handle this. This wasn't something I was prepared for. I was so naive and now I have to deal with this heartbreak.

    I fell in love with P'Phana a while back. At first I didn't know what I was feeling and it scared and excited me at the same time. he is so handsome and tall, like Ming but...different. The few times that Ming and I didn't go home together I would watch him and sometimes follow him around, not stalking I swear. But mostly I would drag Ming to go watch his basketball games.

    I told Ming that I wanted him to come with me when I confessed to P'Phana because I was so nervous and Ming always has a way of calming me down. but now knowing that I have been rejected before my confession really pains my heart. I've never experienced heart break before and I never want to experience it ever again. I don't like this feeling. I'm such a fool. Why did I ever believe that I could have a chance with P'Phana. Why did I ever fool myself into thinking that he would accept me and love me back.

    I look at my hands and I'm still holding the small box with the gift I was going to give to P'Phana when I confessed to him.

    Fresh tears flowing down my cheeks.

    I never had a chance with him.

To Be Continued...

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