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Seulgi held the roses up to her chest walking inside the house of the dead. It was late at night and she forgot to come this morning for Peter's daily talk. All the chaos and missing people going around Queens distracted Seulgi. For example, when going to buy the flowers, the owner wasn't in the store although it was opened.

On the front counter he left a bouquet of flowers with Seulgi's name on it, she felt guilty for sure but left the exact amount of money he asked for behind a pair of amaryllis flowers.

Seulgi trudged down the aisle of tombstones and stopped between Uncle Ben's and Peter's graves.

"Good afternoon, Uncle Ben" Seulgi greeted the tombstone and placed down two roses on top of the grassy patch. She walked to Peter's and took a seat in front of his stone. His grave was still dirt, only a few grass sprouts along the edge. Seulgi grabbed the vase she bought and picked out the wilted flowers from days ago.

"Hi, Peter" Seulgi smiled placing in the new and freshly cut roses into the clay vase. The vase was planted down back in its original spot.

"I forgot about this morning, but watching the stars with you was a way better option" Seulgi's hands sat under her thighs. Her long sleeves lifted up with dirt around the rims.

"You wouldn't believe what happened today, the school had an assembly today just for you" Seulgi spoke biting her lip "Flash came up to me and said he was sorry for my lost and helped me pack up your locker" Seulgi nodded as if Peter responded with a shocked expression.

"I know, crazy. Also, I found my homework you were supposed to give back to me" Seulgi clicked the roof of her tongue. She smirked seeing his blushing face appear in her mind.

"Guess what?" Seulgi cheered at the tombstone. Nothing. Nothing responded.

"My parents are letting me move in with May, they said it would help her" Seulgi exclaimed drawings lines with her finger into the dirt pile beneath her.

"We didn't want her to give up the apartment nor did we want her to be all alone..." Seulgi mumbled out the last part redrawing her lines.

"She's on her own, now" Seulgi exhaled turning to look at where Uncle Ben laid "She misses the both of you" Her hand pushed down on the soil making a tiny ditch.

"Don't you just ever wonder what other possibilities we could have had?" Seulgi asked the air.

"I should've told you everything years ago, Pete" She sat properly and pulled out something from behind her phone case.

"You were the only person I had feelings towards" In her hand a polaroid with a clear photo of Seulgi and Peter smiling into the camera. The stairs behind them were behind the school. They were still freshmen in the photo.

"I just couldn't tell you" Seulgi grazed a finger over Peter's face on the polaroid.

"I didn't know how I could confess but each night that's what keeps me up" Seulgi placed the picture down and scooped up dirt with her hands.

"I never told you I loved you more than a friend because I knew you wouldn't like me back like that. You adored that Liz girl" Seulgi piled up more dirt until there wasn't another trace of the picture.

"Not only that but Peter the words just didn't come out right" She pinched the palm of her hand.

"These past few days I thought back to all the times I was being a shitty person to you. All those times you tried gaining my attention and making me happy. I didn't give the affection you wanted because I was being selfish" Her hand hurt from her pinching too hard, but Seulgi could care less about that.

"I couldn't love you because I didn't even give any fucks about myself" Seulgi emitted out. Peter made Seulgi see that she was worthy of something. From that day on, she opened her eyes to another hidden secret from deep inside her gut. She still wanted to love Peter.

"But it isn't all my fault" She closed her eyes refraining from crying.

"You said you would never leave me, Peter. From day one. Now where the hell are you now? Huh. Dead." Seulgi shouted lowly not wanting someone to come up to her and ask her if she was fine. She wasn't fine and had to let her anger on something.

"I love you so much that now each time I envision your face I'm always asking where you are?" The silence suffocates her each time she asks herself that question because she knows he's somewhere far far away.

Why are you crying?

"Because I never told you I loved you truthfully" Seulgi hugged her legs finding a little bit sympathy coming from her inner thoughts. It was bound to come out someway, no matter all the burying and hiding Seulgi did to avoid the painful truth.

This love is not over

"Whoever said I wanted it to end" Seulgi sniffled banging her head against her knees. There wasn't much time left for Peter and soon for Seulgi. She was feeling the aftermath of not letting herself say the certain thing she needed to say out loud. It was full of regret.

At last, the ending scene.

Seulgi sat here every day to see the sunrise every day. Now she would see the stars twinkle.

"I hope where ever you are, you're receiving these messages" Seulgi stretched her feet out and wondered what the consequences would be if she stayed the night.

The pages were now filled, but it wasn't enough to refill Seulgi's breaking heart.

He was here and no one could do anything about it. They would all have the same fate, even Seulgi.

Her head shot upright hearing a crash coming from the streets near her. It seems a crash has occurred, not once but again.

"What the hell" Seulgi sat back in her original position and took out her phone. No incoming calls from her parents which is weird with the accidents that just happened near her block.

Seulgi coughed a couple times feeling a weird heavy presence on her chest. The cemetery's lights flickered and then shut down. Seulgi thought it was weird but could still see from the building's lights.

All of a sudden she felt a weird tingling sensation come from her left hand. She pulled up her sleeve and squinted closely. Her finger was, well it was turning into dust. Seulgi's eyes widened seeing it go from the tip of her finger to her whole hand.

She felt numb from all over. She couldn't stand up, too captivated by her arm disintegrating into the night's air and turning into nothing.

"I'm coming for you, Peter" Seulgi smiled letting another tear fall onto her cheek and onto the ground. Her face felt weird but she could see the particles fly away. Seulgi closed her eyes and sat there.

In a few seconds, her whole body was swept away by the wind and into the same atmosphere where the rest of New York's population was now in. Her parents were gone. Aunt May was also gone. The apartments were all empty.

Seulgi had forgotten to turn off her DVD player. A peaceful song sang out of her room and into the empty spaces.

There was no more Seulgi, no more Peter. The fate of the world was now in the last superheroes hands.

Car horns were on full blast and pets were being stranded on sidewalks. There was no trace of human life anymore. No trace of a sad love story that tragically ended only a few days into it's happily ever after. The sky was littered in small specks of glowing white.

A shooting star ran across the sky. They were together now, happy and in love.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now