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Peter was content today. His school had a half day and all the students walked to the nearest restaurants with their group of friends. Peter knew May was waiting at home with a lunch already prepared and hopefully not burned. He also knew that Seulgi's mother would cook a whole feast for her daughter. She always bragged about it the next day.

Ned, Michelle, Peter, and Seulgi all walked together back to their homes. Ned and Seulgi walked in front of Michelle and Peter. Peter tried hiding his jealousy by talking about the decathlon team with Michelle.

Peter couldn't concentrate right in the topic constantly hearing Seulgi share her interests with Ned. It seemed they had a lot in common, he knew Ned was somewhat of a Korean nationality. But Peter didn't like it much when they began talking a few phrases in the different language.

"See you later" Michelle waved bye to her three friends. She lived in a nice townhouse by the school. The rest lived farther away. Once Michelle was inside Peter was quick to give need a strange stare. Ned in return curled his lip up, confused. Peter pointed at Seulgi with his head. Ned fixed his backpack after coming up with an excuse.

"I think I'm going to eat out today" Ned gushed stopping instantly at a corner.

"You never out, Ned" Seulgi raised an eyebrow at him. Ned glance at Peter and back at Seulgi.

"Yeah, well. I want to try something new. Bye" he spilled rapidly. Peter pushed Seulgi's backpack a tiny hit so they would be out of Ned's sight.

It was selfish for making his best friend leave just so Peter could be left with his other best friend, female best friend.

It was pointless since they didn't talk at all. It was perfect for Peter, it let him think for deeply of his friend. Seulgi was always shy at first but once you get to know her she's a hyper mess that will shoot you with her vine references.

It was a well seen that she didn't express herself much. That was all left to her hands and feet. If her hands fiddled with each other she felt uncomfortable and timid.

Her feet would curl around each other if she was mad or felt the need to explode on someone.

Peter made sure no one would raise her voice at her, even teachers. She had a sensitive state of mind and a private childhood. She was weak, it was easy for him to point out. That's why he never let her walk home. Even for after school clubs Peter found a way to do his homework and be Spiderman while waiting for her finish her activities.

Peter said he knew everything about her. There were no secrets in their friendship except for the whole I'm a superhero and risk my life each day shenanigan.

He wanted people to treat her like a star. He might have been Penis Parker. An idea of Peter Parker that was seen as a complete nerd and outcast. Hey, they went to a school where everyone was a nerd and smarter than average. It didn't make sense at all. Inside he was a burning.... flame? No, it was more then a stupid flame that could be blown out in seconds.

It took a lot for Peter to not beat up the kids who called Seulgi ugly names and teased her about her difference. He had to be responsible and not take advantage of his powers.

The subways doors opened. Seulgi's hand was in Peter's, she grabbed it instinctively to not lose him in the big crowd. What was Seulgi thinking about? Nothing really. Literally, her mind couldn't process things correctly until late at night. That's where all hell breaks loose.

Peter was awfully quiet to Seulgi. Seulgi planted flowers she plucked from the ground in the pockets of his backpack. Peter didn't even feel the small grabs at his backpack since he was too busy rethinking how Seulgi would act if she wanted something.

He wished he would think of her as a sister. It was too hard, he couldn't change something so difficult like that. He didn't see her as a sister, that was weird.

Automatic doors opened and Seulgi finally needed to always him from his daydream.

"Yo, Boo. I need to go now" Seulgi notified him, snapping repeatedly. Peter regained his surroundings and saw Seulgi's building.

"See you tomorrow" Peter chuckled half heartedly unaware of his feelings just yet. His hand scratched the back of his neck. She entered the building not giving Peter the chance of hugging her. Boo hoo, forget it anyways, Peterrrr.

Seulgi would be paying him a visit real soon. He was waiting for a huge surprise.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now