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Junior year was sucky so far. Only two and a half months in and Seulgi already wanted to jump off the Empire State Building into a construction site. Calculus is horrible. But this is a science school for crying out loud! She shook her head in disapproval of the school's system.

Peter liked calculus. Of course, he did. He was Peter for crying out loud, give him anything and he'd like it in just a few seconds. He was across from Seulgi in this class. Best seat ever! He ignored everything his teacher blabbered on about. He had already learned this over the summer. He always focused on Seulgi instead of his textbooks, he thought the equations could never against her beauty.

If innocence came in human form, Peter would have guessed it was Seulgi ever since they first met. He remembered how she actually had feelings back then. She would always flash him her famous gummy bear smile. That's where the contact name on his phone for Seulgi came from. She was his sweet teddy bear, no matter what anyone thought. But he was too much of a wuss to admit it.

He watched closely as she stared unamused at her desk. Her eyes were still there but her mind and focus was somewhere else. I wonder where?

Baby shark doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo. Surfing the internet was fun for Seulgi. Especially coming across songs for children. She just wanted to search for a new clothing store, but somehow she went from mukbangs to children singing about a family of sharks.

She also came across viral videos. She wasn't the biggest fan of the superheroes in town. But she found it pretty entertaining watching them do shit from the comfort of her own laptop screen. She had also wondered how the hell a person could be so strong to stop a moving car. Now she had peaked her curiosity about the past years Spider-man.

Peter went back to his past memories of a carefree and crazy Seulgi. He always felt uncomfortable with the dares she would do back in elementary school.  He also hated it when she would dare him. He was struggling with braces and the loss of his parents. Those years were pretty... traumatizing. Yet he stayed true to himself because of Seulgi.

Even if she doesn't laugh as much or smile or do the rebellious things Seulgi has done in the past, Peter still needed her. He still needed his best friend because he knew Seulgi cared about him no matter how harsh she can be at times.

Why do people bite their ice creams? That's stupid. Idiots. Seulgi disowned those in her thoughts. Her ridiculous and unnecessary comments flew into the empty room that was her head all at once and it gave her a headache. A major one. It didn't hurt, she was used to it. I guess.

Why does Peter keep staring at me? She asked herself. She knew his dumbass thought he was a slick mofo. But Seulgi's a pro at this game. She lifts her head up and glances at Peter. She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow at Peter.

Peter swore he almost died choking on his own saliva. Peter and Seulgi made eye contact and that sent him into a frenzy. His hands unconsciously spazzed over his desk causing pens to drop on the floor and his notebook.

Seulgi rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Peter. All the students stopped and laughed at Peter. The teacher ignored them and continued teaching but the laughs grew. Seulgi got pissed. At herself and these stupid punks around her.

"Alright shut up!" Seulgi exclaimed crossing her arms and pushing her back further into her chair. The girls gave her various side looks while the guys quieted down.

"Next time a little politer, Seulgi" The grown man insisted turning his back to the whiteboard.

"Being polite isn't going to get me anywhere?" Seulgi told him, quickly writing down what she missed into her notebook. The man huffed not wanting to evoke Seulgi even more.

Seulgi places her hand down and looked at Peter's direction. And there the dork was keeping his head lower than usual. Peter saw Seulgi and smiled lightly. With no expression on her face, she gave him a heart sign with both her hands.

Peter blushed. Hard. His pencils ripped through a stack of papers as his powers were triggered. He wished Spider-man could come out to give Seulgi a cheesy message back. Disappointed, Peter buried his head in his notes.

Seulgi scratches her arm and puffed her cheeks out. He's such a baby. Hehehe. Wait, lunch!

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now