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Seulgi thought this Junior trip would be fun. Seulgi, Ned, and Peter were all placed on the same bus. Thankfully, Seulgi didn't have any friends besides those in her little group at school. Sadly, she was on the same bus as her brother who volunteered as a chaperone.

This trip to six flags was going to be perfect. Seulgi planned the things they would do in her head. Her hand was intertwined with Peter's. Ned was in the two-seater behind them looking up the rides they would all go on no matter how extreme it was. Seulgi wanted to win something so she could give it to Peter.

But since nothing ever goes right for her, a weird spaceship in the shape of the loop of the roller coaster she rode that day appeared. This made her boyfriend of three days swing out an emergency window while Ned and a crowd of students corned the bus to see the spaceship.

Jongin was curious too but saw his sister all alone. Six flags was pretty alright. Seulgi lost her voice after screaming her heart out on the tall and fast ones. After all that, she was able to win Peter something but the problem was that she couldn't give it to him.

It's been two days since the field trip and the koala plush she won was still on her bed. She wasn't as worried as before because she knew that Peter was Spidermen and was the reason why that spaceship was no longer on top of Queens. Only a few streets and a park were damaged but everything else seemed fine.

Aunt May came to stay with the Li's. Seulgi's mother requested her to come over after Jongin and his family went back to Washington. Aunt May was suffering even more then Seulgi. Peter Benjamin Parker was now under a case of missing person and Aunt may couldn't stop searching for him.

Seulgi didn't want to tell May he was Spiderman and would come back eventually. Seulgi couldn't see it but she was rising her expectations a little too much. This would cause more pain in her after hearing what was Peter's fate in a week. But right now she felt he would come back to her.

Texting and calling him was useless because Seulgi and his backpack that had everything of his.

48 hours turned to 72. Peter wasn't the only one. Tony Stark went missing as well. Maybe that was the stark internship, being spidermen. The hidden sadness was now drawing back and came to give Seulgi a visit. Things became dull once again.

Seulgi sat on her windowsill and thought of him being in that spaceship. He would find a way back. She felt as if both their hearts were attached with invisible strings and that the string will help Peter find the way back home. Back into her arms where she could still touch and freeze time to be forever with him.

"Please come back" She begged to the sky above her. Stars sprawled around the night. It was her alone in her room with the moonlight passing around her body. Maybe she should've loved him a little more.

Seulgi began thinking about the memories were Peter would be messing around but she would do nothing. She pretended life was well back then. She should've laughed with him, maybe mess around with him too.

Would her friendship with Peter be different if she accepted all the fun adventures he proposed? Why couldn't she simply nod? How hard was it to hold onto him?

Seulgi stepped off the window sill and prepared to go to sleep.

"I was one step too late" Seulgi sat at her desk picking up a pen and flipping her journal open to an empty page. She began writing down on the lined paper. The story's not over. She wrote down everything he heard his voice say.

I won't leave you alone in the dark, again.

Seulgi flipped her journal over and walked back to the windowsill uninspired of what to write about. Her eyes watched those below her. The streets were light with a warm color that prevented them to be engulfed in the black light of the moon.

A star vanished that night.

Alright, Hello! I don't interact much in stories because I don't want to take away from the story itself but the next chapters will contain infinity war spoilers. Also, I will be changing the spoilers slightly because it's a fanfiction. It wouldn't go along with the story's timeline. Anyways, thank you for your support - Palleteu

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