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"What is it, Peter?" Seulgi asked concerned. She hiccuped once and caressed Peter's cheek. He liked it when he would play with his skin or his hair. It brought the both of them ease and aid.

"Well, I" Peter stopped rethinking all the possibilities and damage he might bring further into Seulgi's life. He didn't want to see her lifeless body being tormented by one of his enemies.

Seulgi's doll-like eyes gazed over Peter's hesitation.

"I'm Spiderman" He whispered lowering his head. Seulgi couldn't hear what he said and lifted his head back up.

"What did you say?" She wanted to hear him again.

"I'm Spiderman," Peter said louder but not enough so May could hear while ease dropping on them. Seulgi straightened her back. She tilted her head at Peter but it hit her. His odd disappearings, his injuries, his fatigue and his even more overprotectiveness on Seulgi. She licked her lips and sucked the inside of her cheeks. For two years.

"I was bitten by a radioactive spider two years ago" Peter explained leaning down and grabbing something from under his bed. Seulgi stumbled back seeing the hero's outfit in Peter's hands. Seulgi touched the material and pulled back immediately.

"Why didn't you tell me" She stuttered looking at him with disappointment.

"It was for your sake Seulgi!" Peter's voice cracked. His eyes were brimmed with tears expecting Seulgi to shout at him saying he was a horrible friend and would never speak to him again.

"Who else knows?" Seulgi let the costume fall back beside the bed.

"Ned" Peter shamefully conceded. The girl stayed seated on the bed. Peter and Seulgi were awfully close to each other, not saying anything. Peter should've said nothing. It was a possibility he just ruined his lifelong friendship with his recent crush.

"It's ok" Seulgi murmured circling her finger around Peter's thigh. The back of Peter's hands wiped away the one tear that was trailing down his jaw.

Seulgi leaned into Peter. His brown eyes could bring peace to this cruel world. Seulgi needed to treat him and love him as much as she could before he would be taken away from her. A feeling of faith flew around Seulgi's stomach and up to her heart.

"On rainy days like today, I'll remember this" Seulgi told Peter. Peter wanted to ask why but wasn't able to because something prevented him from his lips spilling anything.

Seulgi leaned her head forward until her lips were barely touching Peters. Peter could feel her breath on his cupids bow. Her eyes closed and she moved a little closer before anything could happen.

Her lips dragged softly on Peter's. His hands vibrated with joy as they landed on Seulgi's waist. Seulgi cupped Peter's face making her lean in deeper. After a few seconds, Peter regained consciously and kissed her back. It was a soft and simple kiss. Seulgi smiled into the kiss feeling Peter relax.

Her hands fall into his lap where he rightfully took hers in. She broke the connection between their lips and placed her forehead on hers.

The weight of sadness was lifted off her shoulders. If only they could stay like this a little more. Seulgi gasped coming to terms with what she had just done. She had just kissed Peter. And Peter accepted.

"I'm so sorry, Peter" Seulgi panicked taking the blanket off her. Peter stood up next to her. Had he done something wrong? He never kissed anyone before. She was his first actual kiss. But he ruined it.

She ruined everything. One kiss could end a whole friendship, movies even proved this statement. Seulgi grabbed her phone and ran out of the room in a frenzy.

"I'm an idiot" She muttered under breath placing on her shoes.

"Seulgi, it's ok" Peter ran after her. Seulgi stared at him with glossy eyes.

"I should go" Seulgi adviced turning to the front door. She breathed heavily. Seulgi twisted the door open and looked at Peter.

"Thank you" Seulgi ran into Peter's arms. He gladly took her in spinning her around in the air. Seulgi grabbed his cheeks and kissed him again. A door opens from behind them causing Seulgi to sprint out the apartment without another word.

"Oh my god" May squealed trudging down behind Peter.

"MaywekissedandIthinkImessedup" Peter groaned jumping up and down. May grabbed his hands and they both jumped up and down.

"I knew it" She praised ruffling Peter's hair.

"We kissed twice" Peter sang his voice going up another octave each time.

"If only Ben could watch this" May fanned her eyes trying to not cry over Peter's first kiss.

"May, I like Seulgi" Peter's voice cracked again sounding like a little girl. May only patted her nephews back.

"I think she likes you, too" May smiled inhaling and exhaling. Peter wanted to meet Seulgi again. He wanted to tell her it wasn't a mistake and that everything she did made her happy. It may sound foolish, but just from afar his heart is already aching to go to her. Even if she wouldn't understand why Peter liked her so much.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now