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Everyone cries during their first heartbreak. Or when they fall off their bike for the first time. Some don't and they're seen as strong soldiers from the beginning who could face anything life gives to them. That's the category Seulgi fell under. She was seen as someone with a tough shell and nothing could bring her harm.

That's not exactly true. Or that's not how it seems like right about now. The hallways were cleared out. Every student was in class except for Seulgi who decided to visit her favorite janitor's closet, again.

Both her hands wrapped around her mouth to prevent another noise to come out of her. She wasn't feeling so well the past couple of days and now she's guessing it was time for her monthly breakdown. Although her headphones blocked out her sobs, she could still feel her body shaking.

She felt as if just breathing once would make her fall into tiny porcelain pieces. Like the doll her and Peter broke back when they were still kids.

She was clueless as to what had triggered her. Today was going well, then this huge slap of disappointment knocked her off her feet. Now she was curled up in the corner of the small closet. Her eyes stung with weary tears and her head hurt from her crying. Plus, her thoughts.

Peter frantically escaped his Spanish class and entered the boy's bathroom. He leaned up against a sink and looked at the faucet in front of him. This whole 'stark' internship had began to get the best of him. Peter was beginning to understand that things were getting more serious than before. More dangerous.

Still, it was his responsibility to protect the city. To protect its citizens. No matter what he would be there, helping them through bad times. When they needed saving, friendly neighborhood Spiderman would be there. He promised that to himself and others.

So where the hell was he? Where was that saver? The blind one who currently couldn't see his damaged friend. The one who's crying in the janitors closet right in front of the bathroom he is in. The cruel and evil thoughts were eating off her energy. They were crushing her.

So where was he?

Seulgi's hand gripped onto her hair. Pulling once, pulling twice. Hair strands were swept into the cold air of the compartment. Her lips trembled in fear. Of rejection. Hatred. Carelessness. Most importantly, her inner demons. The ones she couldn't show to the world.

She wailed to herself and the cleaning supplies. Her phone had just died and so her music wasn't there to comfort her. To distract her from the things that stopped her from sleeping at night.

Water drops ran down Peter's temples. His face was beaming red in frustration. Peter was no longer a kid. Tony Stark had to realize that sooner or later. Peter had been working his ass off the past two years. Everything he thought was done well turned out to be a simple daily task. It was never enough to be in the Avengers.

He didn't want to be a small superhero only known to his city. He wanted to feel like he was of importance. All he ever wanted was to receive love from them, from those who admired the Avengers. This pain and jealousy all kept him from noticing he was receiving what he wanted.

Yet, he couldn't give it back in return. To the one person who had been living and caring for him ever since they both laid eyes on each other. From the day Aunt May introduced the 5 year old girl she had been babysitting to her 5 year old nephew.

His hands released from fists to expose various nail marks that dug deep, but not as deep as Seulgi's scars. Those scars she hid under her blue jeans. Under her vintage oversized shirts.

Peter calmed himself down and made eye contact with the mirror in front of him. I'm Spiderman. I'm. Spiderman. He could do it all. No need to worry, he would make it up there one day. Just watch.

His hands pushed opened the wooden door and Peter stepped out. No one was around but he felt something. The hairs behind his neck rose signaling that there was someone in distress. Very close to him. He glared confused at both the hallways to his left and right. There was no one around.

You're just lacking sleep, Peter. He thought to himself before stretching his neck. His body began moving and disappeared after turning a corner.

Eyes wide opened, there she sat in silence. Her blinking had stopped and so had her shaking. She sat and listened. To the engines beside her run and power the school. Seulgi wondered if she could buy herself an engine. One filled with happiness instead of fuel.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now