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Not long after their return from being break, the students were given a study to report on. So here Seulgi was on her laptop writing down what her partner, Peter told her. Her fingers glided swiftly across the keyboard and were able to capture everything they had investigated on.

It was just over an hour and the pair had finished off their whole report. Of course, now they had the whole week to do nothing pretty much. Seulgi closed her laptop and stretched her hands. She plopped back on the couch and stared right at Peter.

Peter flushed bright red while staring right back at Seulgi. She hadn't blinked once and was giving him her iconic flatlined look. Peter watched carefully as her eyes trailed to somewhere else. He felt relieved but stayed curious as to what she was looking at. Then he saw her stand up and head towards the old rickety piano his aunt had kept that belonged to Ben.

Her small figure sat on the small cushioned seat. Aunt May would always watch Seulgi's playing on the piano in the afternoon. After Uncle Ben's death. It brought Aunt may comfort. So Seulgi decided to take piano lessons and always played for Aunt May. It also calmed Peter down after a stressful fight.

With no warning, she played. A very soft and familiar sound. A song called honey tea, one he knew Seulgi constantly listened too.

She hummed the tune in her head as she closely pressed each key. A small yawn escaped her mouth causing her to pause suddenly. She blinked a couple times and continued slower than before. The song ended and Seulgi was struggling to sit upright.

"Naptime?" Peter teasingly said. He adored seeing her in her cute states, in public her stern face had always drawn people away from her actual personality. Seulgi stood and walked in front of Peter. Everything in Peter stopped. His arm tensed as Seulgi grabbed onto it.

Using all her strength, she successfully got him off the couch. Peter's room was right down the hallway and that was exactly where the two where headed. Peter was still clueless as to why Seulgi would take him on one of her napping adventures. That was until she finally told him.

"You're way better than a pillow. Plus your squishier" She stated yanking him onto the bed. She yawned. He gasped. Seulgi sat down right next to him and reached out for a blanket. There they both lied. The two teenagers stared straight at the wooden planks that supported the other bed above.

Peter couldn't tell the difference between the fact that maybe it was his spidey senses going off or if it was his adolescent feeling pumping through his veins. Seulgi's head then rested against his beating chest. This allowed Peter to take a quick swift of her rose scented hair. But he was afraid, afraid that his racing heart would distrust her sleep.

Seulgi nudged his chest a little while trying to find a comfortable spot. Seulgi was confused at first. Her adorable, small and squishy friend was no longer to be found. Sure, she was slightly disappointed realizing Peter had grown a couple muscles here a there. But Peter seemed to have boosted his esteem which made Seulgi proud of him.

Her hands found their way across his waist. There she gave him a little squeeze and found the right spot before actually falling into one of her naps.

Peter waited patiently. He wanted to high-five himself. It's been a long time since there cuddling sessions. Most likely 2 years. Firecrackers and fireworks blew up in his mind. He wanted to hug her baldy and tell her she was everything to him. But he didn't want to receive a couple punches to the face.

So he did what he has to do. Sleep. As much as he wanted to admire Seulgi forever, he couldn't. Why? Because one, it was creepy and two, Seulgi could sleep for hours. Days, weeks and years. Which he didn't mind because he thought of her as the most precious thing ever.

He ignored his incoming thoughts and closed his eyes picturing Seulgi smile once again. He guessed they were both really tired after all.

• Timeskip •

The sun went down a while ago. Yet the two were still in bed. Peter was snoring as if they was no tomorrow. And Seulgi's ear would twitch once in a while hearing the noise.

Keys jingled inside the apartment and now they weren't allow. A tired Aunt May places her purse down on the counter. Her glasses slide down and she becomes curious seeing the 'children's' things laying around. Seulgi's phone also buzzed in the coffee table giving away the fact that she was here.

She walked around the apartment and made it to Peter's room. She opened the door and saw the purest thing she had ever encountered. Aunt May snorted seeing Seulgi deep into Peter's embrace. Her head shook in embarrassment hearing the loud snores coming from her nephew.

Her phone was swept away from her pockets and on her front camera. Her finger pressed the center button and a couple pictures were snapped. Her eyes widened hearing that her phone wasn't on silent.

Peter was about to jump right up but couldn't with the weight that was forced on his chest. He felt himself go numb. He even felt his heart collapse seeing his Aunt May standing by his door way with her phone in her hand.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my gOD" he whispered to himself and then at May. Repeatedly. "May, what's happening?" He panicked raising his hands up carefully. Seulgi mumbled something unrecognizable and shuffled around the bed.

Aunt May placed her hand over her mouth to avoid spilling a laugh. Peter whispered mercy under his breath and tried to sit up only to have Seulgi pull him back.

Seulgi grinned quietly to herself hearing her friend struggle with her.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now