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Seven full days passed. Seven mornings and seven lonely nights. A nameless bird cries out of the cemetery. A small group huddled around an opening on the ground. There an empty white casket laid, empty inside. Yet the grave was full of soul and pain.

Peter's remaining family, friends, neighbors and his beloved hovered over the tombstone. They walked in together after his service. Each person grasped onto the flower at hand, Seulgi was next to Ned who tried to contain his feelings over his late friend.

Everything was planned yesterday. Just yesterday. The day before May received a call asking for Peter Parker's guardian. Some agent named Natasha Romanoff was placed on his missing case and was able to make out that Peter was one of those victims who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

May didn't believe, she wanted to see him. They told the only parker and Li family they couldn't recover his body, it was burnt to ashes during the attack with the alien spaceship. Seulgi at first thought maybe the agent was covering over Peter until she realized even if he was gone and was told to fake his death, he would never be coming back.

Sure, Seulgi cried. Not as much as May did, she was Peter's second mother. But she cried. Seulgi lost a childhood best friend, memories, and half of herself that night. The mourning wasn't going to do anything and so Seulgi planned out the funeral informing May that she should rest.

Her sleepless night brought her here at this moment. Where she stroked the flower petals as if they were his soft hands. Seulgi waited, inspecting the casket hoping to see Peter come out and say it was all a prank and they could go back to cuddling in his bed.

Instead, it was replaced with those around her saying a few things about the intelligent boy and how he generous he was with everyone. She drowned all their voices and focused on the print that was carved into the stone.

Peter Benjamin Parker.


With great power comes great responsibility

The responsibility of loses your own life against yourself? That damn spider shouldn't have even touched Peter 's skin, Seulgi spat mentally breaking apart of the flowers steam. Ned's talking made Seulgi's focus come back to her. Seulgi cried so many times, she was dried out and couldn't drop not even a single.

The circle came back to her, the grieving lady who was labeled as his girlfriend. The girlfriend wasn't able to show her emotions even at his own funeral.

"Peter Parker was my only best friend" Seulgi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"He never did anything to harm me" Up until now.

"I don't" Seulgi sighed finding her words "I don't know how to say it all"

"There was too much Peter sacrificed for this world particularly with me" May nodded next to her holding onto her glasses.

"We both loved each other just how we were, nothing could get in between us" Seulgi laughed thinking about the time they were eight and Peter ate Seulgi's ice cream. They stopped talking for a week but couldn't stand not playing with Seulgi's dolls together.

"It was only until now that we both admitted we had feelings for each other, it was complete nonsense" Seulgi added brushing a hand against her cheek wanting Peter's lips back on them. Why was she going to rant to everyone about how much of a blind bitch she was that she couldn't see how in love she was with Peter?

"I just wanted to tell- nevermind, I don't" She hastily whispered

"It's hard" Seulgi finished giving the flower one last look. The casket was bruised again by another flower dropping onto it. It wasn't that hard to say what she wanted to say. She had written it down in her journal from the first time she bought it. Seulgi knew that after today, hell would begin over and over each day. The nightmares will come crawling back into her head.

Handfuls of dirt were scattered along the bottom of the grave. Seulgi's hands clenched into a fist felling the dirt enter under her fingernails. She soon removed pressure from her palm and watched the speckles of dirt fly out of her hand.

As much as she wanted the funeral workers to stop digging up the whole, she needed to cover up a burning wound inside her heart. Her family walked with May to the exit, giving Seulgi sometime alone with her best friends empty memorial. She walked past his grave and headed towards the other exit that leads to a small park they would talk at.

They both walked down this exact path when coming to visit Uncle Ben. At least now Uncle Ben and Peter were next to each other in here, that helped Seulgi think their stay here would be friendlier to the two.

She kicked a small pebble and watched it skid across the ground. Her eyes flickered along the route the pebble took. Her eyes came to an end once the pebble bounced off something. A shoe. Seulgi eyed the pair of feet and observed the hidden figure. She squinted seeing the somewhat transparent person who stood only a few feet from her.

The outfit was exactly like Peter's on the day of the trip. The person's facial structure was a copy to his too. Even his tired looking hazelnut colored eyes. Seulgi's hands dropped to her side seeing who came around to visit her.

Her watered with a slight belief that just maybe he heard her cries for help. Seulgi walked closer to Peter's almost holographic body that stayed motionless. Her hands stayed by her sides as she settled in front of him. Her head leaned down and she breathed in his familiar homey scent that reminded her of his hoodie that she kept.

Seulgi dropped her head onto Peter's shoulder crying in an instant. His hands ran down her soft hair letting her Cherise the last moments she had with him. Peter's shoulder was covered in his friend's tears. He needed to see her before he officially left the universe to somewhere no one has returned from.

Seulgi wrapped both her arms around Peter's waist because she was afraid he'd float away from her. She gasped for air seeing him turn invisible.

"No no no, Peter" She cried harder grabbing his arms. She sniffled feeling half his body no longer there. Reality will break her heart. The reality that Peter wasn't there all along in the real world. Seulgi walked closer to Peter and saw the fear that gleamed in his eyes.

"Stay, please" She sobbed holding back a scream. She tipped over slightly as her hand had nothing else to grasp on. He was long gone. The morning wind blew around her. Dead leaves flew across her shoe. She wanted to spring back, she wanted the warm days with Peter back.

Her strength left her crying on the cold rough ground where the rest of Seulgi had just died. Her face dug into her arms hearing the wind cry with her. Her heart pounded loudly asking herself if he could hear her right now.

"Are you listening, Peter" She screamed trying to stand up only to fall back on leaves. All he could hear was silence. I'm sorry.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now