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Absolutely no clouds roamed the sky. It was pure pale blue. A perfect time to be out and about on a Saturday. Seulgi and Peter had arrived at their destination. A beautiful well known rose park in Manhattan.

Seulgi thought it would be best for her to relax for a while. To have a mind full of more lovely and soothing things. It was a perfect match, she explained to her self. She loved roses and always had a small liking for how Peter looked like next to them.

Peter didn't mind going to parks like this with Seulgi. He rarely could since he was busy being Spiderman. He was late today at the bus stop. One crime turned into two and there he was swinging around queens, reassuring stolen purses to kind ladies on the streets.

There were few people roaming around. Seulgi and Peter were the only teens here, of course they would rather be spending their Saturday afternoon hanging out or going to malls. This was their form of a mall, of a movie theater. This movie was way prettier then any other ones, especially with Seulgi around.

The two walked up the stairs and into the entrance where they were hit with a strong odor of nature. Peter's nose twitched and he could feel a sneeze coming. Suddenly, Seulgi lifted up her hand and pinched his noise in a very childish way.

"Don't ruin moment, Peter" She joked removing her hand and walking closer to the different species of flowers.

Yeah, Peter. Don't ruin the moment. He pleaded to himself and recollected his left over confidence. He walked up to where Seulgi now stood admiring the flowers. Peter fixed the camera around his neck and turned it on. Once the camera began focusing, he lifted it up and faced to the field of flowers.

"Oh, send me them" Seulgi told Peter as she casually walked behind him. Peter's shoulders tensed feeling her hand place down on his shoulders for better balance. She raised her tippy toes and tried seeing what Peter was capturing.

A few clicks here and there and Seulgi had become a personal model for Peter's photos. He laughed into his camera each time he saw her pull off a goofy pose. Only for a few seconds before she returned to her regular serious poses. As much as Peter liked her funny stances, his heart would always bounce all along his insides seeing her eyes stare 'coldly' at the camera.

For someone who didn't like photos, Seulgi was having too much fun running around for no reason. She felt sorry not giving the flowers any attention but she felt as if Peter actually saw her for once. She didn't quite want to admit it, but she liked the idea of her face being in Peter's camera so that she could be with him anywhere.

At a corner where Peter and Seulgi sat on a wooden bench, an elder with her grandchild walked past them. Peter, already having known the language Spanish froze in his seat overhearing their conversation.

"Mira hija, qué linda pareja son (Look child, what lovely couple they are)" The grandmother chirped happily slapping her grandchild's arm lightly. The grandchild scolded her grandmother and speed walked away from them. Seulgi looked confusingly at Peter who was burning up.

Seulgi saw his hands become clammy and was curious to find out what they were saying. She took German instead of Spanish.

"What did they say, Peter?" She questioned sitting up to take in another glance from the two ladies.

"T-they said the park was a lovely c-couple" He blurted. He shook his head and re said what he cried, "The park was a l-lovely experience" He faked a smile and coughed awkwardly. Seulgi didn't believe it, Peter was uncomfortable and sucked at lying.

He could feel Seulgi's energy. She knew him too well. He quickly thought of something to change the topic and spotted something behind the suspicious girl.

"Look, milkshakes" Peter shouted while pointing to a small shack behind Seulgi. Seulgi looked behind her, shocked at his sudden loudness.

"Oh yay" She smiled quietly seeing the sign from the small store. Seulgi got off the bench and motioned for Peter to get up too. He ruffled his hair and went to go retrieve Seulgi's milkshake.

She stopped in front the shop and turned to Peter. She gave him a look with big puppy eyes. Peter shook his head as in no. Seulgi didn't take no's from her friend. She gave him a stern look instead and Peter couldn't refuse.

He walked up to the store cautiously. Even after their stages from puberty, Seulgi and Peter remand awkward and shy as before. Seulgi hated ordering things. She always felt obligated to just spit out something quick, even if she didn't want the thing. And that's where Peter came along.

"C-can I have one chocolate milkshake and a s-strawberry one too, please' He peeped out stuttering at some point. The college student in front of him grunted in response and began on the two thick milkshakes. He faced Seulgi who had her back turned from him.

Seulgi remained unbothered. Not even the small clouds forming could ruin it. A disposable cup was shoved informer of her along with a star. Seulgi saw Peter fumbling with his change and milkshake. Seulgi popped the straw into the lid and took a nice sip of her refreshing strawberry shake. Peter recollected himself and enjoyed his drink.

"Switch" the two monotonously cried. Sharing wasn't something odd for them. Seulgi and Peter stood against the metal railing on the top tier of the garden. Both enjoying each others companies and milkshakes.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now