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"Peter, your hand is too close to mine" Seulgi pointed out stuffing her hand into her jacket. Peter was quick to apologize and backed up by a few steps. Seulgi gave him a thumbs up with her super small sized hands. Peter found it adorable that he was able to fully embrace her hand in his. Sadly, those times were quite rare.

Peter's nose twitched feeling his spidey senses go off. He panicked slightly and grinned onto his backpack. He hesitated but tapped Seulgi's shoulder lightly. She turned around with a shy whispered what. He awed inside and soon realized there was an emergency at hand. Stop fooling around Peter, he scolded himself.

"A-an emergency came up. Sorry, I have to go. I'll see you later, Seulgi" Peter told the shivering teenager. The tip of her tongue popped out of the corner of her mouth as she hummed in response. He thanked her and ran to the nearest alley where he proceeded to shove his backpack underneath the garbage crate learning from past experiences.

Seulgi placed the hood of her jacket on herself and stared at the sidewalk the whole time it took her to get back home. Peter placed put mask on and shot a web nearby him, beginning to swing around queens. He landed in front of his target who had just mugged a student nearby. As quirky little remarks left his lips, he just right and left.

He felt proud of what he was doing, he felt confident. Peter was allowed to express himself in any way as Spider-man. With that in mind, he retrieved the book bag to the rightful owner and headed back into the sky. He was hoping for some more action tonight. He was hoping he could stay himself forever. Everyone loved Spider-man, just not Peter.

Seulgi, the 17-year-old girl instead of going out after completing her homework had decided to stay home to finish a book Peter had recommended. Her nose scrunched and her mono-lid eyes squinted even further. She was never really into what Peter would recommend her, but if it made her friend happy and fanboy about it then she would force herself into it.

She groaned and threw the book into the pile on her desk. It was only five in the afternoon and it felt as if she was stuck in her mind for the past week or so. She reaches out for her phone and opens up her messages to text Peter that she'll be there soon. She placed into her sweaters pocket and took a quick glance at the mirror.

Her bangs were a mess and had become curly due to her naturally curly hair which she preferred straightened. She even confused herself, it's not like Peter would care. She shrugged it off and went out of the apartment right after leaving a voicemail for both her parents. Seulgi dreaded walking even if it was just for two blocks. She despised exercise.

Sadly for Seulgi, she had soon come to terms that she lost the key to May's apartment once again. Already annoyed, she knew the only way was the emergency ladders that head nicely close to Peter's window. She rolled back her shoulders and began climbing. Pure disgust was placed all over her face, at least she can say she was somewhat active today.

Her palms hurt against the rusted steel. Her hands coming again as unhelpful is situations like this, one wrong move and splat, she thought. Seulgi has reached the outside of Peter's window and knew he always kept it opened for some odd reason. She lifted up her right leg and gave it a slight boost so the window creaked opened just a little bit. She squealed reminding herself to never lose the damn key ever again.

She pried her body off the ladder and into the sill of the window. With all her might and one push, she immediately face-plants her best friends carpet. You stupid idiot. She closed the window in an angry manner. Her first that were clenched unraveled and opened a drawer in Peter's desk that had become a pantry for various granola bars.

Seulgi grabbed two and climbed even more onto the top bed of Peter's bunk bed.

"Why, why me?" She shunned munching on her bars. She inhaled both of them and aimed right into the small garbage can in the corner. She grabbed the baby blue blankets and engulfed herself in them while resting her head on the very soft pillow. Finally. Her eyes shut and within seconds Seulgi Li was in her natural habitat.

Finally. Peter sighed into his mask and swung lazily across the city to the apartment he had with his Aunt May. He stayed out longer than usual since today May always stayed longer at her job. The boy hadn't eaten or used the bathroom since shook and now it was seven. The sky had turned a dark navy and it gave Peter a perfect chance to just go in through his window without anyone suspecting as to why Spider-man was wearing a backpack.

Since no one was home or so he thought, he slammed opened the window and came it groaning frustrated sentences under his breath. All while crawling on his ceiling. His window shut behind him and he pressed the center of his chest to allow the suit to fall till his ankles

When rustling was heard in front of him, his eyes grew ten times bigger and he was sent into alarm mode, again. There on the very top of his bed laid a tiny teddy bear trying to cover all of herself with the small blanket. Peter stopped breathing. Afraid of two things. He hoped his friend hadn't seen him in the Spider-man suit or how he just bathed in the room while on the ceiling. And two, he was afraid of waking up Seulgi. Everyone knew better than to walk up Seulgi.

Her hair was thrown all around her head. She tried opening her eyes but was too tired. She rubbed her eyes and then hugged the pillow closer all with a small pout on her face. Feelings a presence she had to ask.

"Peter is that you?" She croaked softly. Seulgi yawned and waited for a response.

"Yeah, you can go back to sleep" Peter confirmed making sure she didn't open her eyes.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do" she responded louder. Her breathes slowed down and another yawn came out of her. "Anyways, goodnight Peter" Seulgi mumbled and feel back directly into her deep sleep. Peter took out his found with his shaky hand and zoomed into Seulgi's face with his camera.

He snapped two photos and freaked out seeing he was almost completely naked in front of his best friend. Gross, Peter. And it was a school night too, Seulgi hates being woken up on a school day. Hates. It.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now