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Seulgi kicked her binders further into her locker to make her papers all fit. With every calorie lost, she became hungrier. In less than a split second, she slammed her locker and kicked it once more so she wouldn't come back to a jammed mess. She surprisingly was in a good mood.

She skipped through the halls, trying to do it on a low unnoticed way because she was too cool for that. Act cool, yeah cool Seulgi. She saw Ned behind Petter at his locker giving her the chance to stand right next to Peter's locker.

"What's up nerd," She said leaning into a random locker.

"You seem happier today Mrs. Li" Ned smiled coming towards her and patting her shoulders repeatedly. She gave him a very, very faint grin. Ned's eyes light up and he hit Peter's chest to get his attention.

"Yeah, whatever" Peter inhaled "I've seen it too many times anyways" he exhaled. Seulgi's fist rose in the air and came crashing down on Peter's back. His shoulder jumped and his mouth opened in pain. Ned laughed but that stopped as soon as Seulgi gave him the slightest look.

Peter looked at her confused as to how a small body could be capable of doing such a harmful thing. It's better than being flicked. And he knew he was lucky. Seulgi's flicks are absolute hell.

After 10 aggravating minutes of waiting in line and paying for her food, Seulgi walked to the table in the corner where Michelle was already sat on. Upon arriving she saw other classmates around her move away from her. She bit her lip knowing they think of her as an imitating bitch.

"Loser" Michelle cackled handing over the chocolate milk to Seulgi.

"Asshole" Seulgi replies handing Michelle her soggy french fries. Seulgi took her seat and only had to wait for a couple second until Peter took the empty seat next to her. And soon all four of them where there.

But it wasn't until now that Seulgi felt even more excluded as all three of them began talking about the decathlon team. It's the number one con of being friends with people who are way smarter then you'll ever be. Seulgi's very, very faint grin turned into a very, very faint frown.

She blocked them out of her hearing and scanned the cafeteria for the millionth time this year. And each time she would stare at a table one person would notice and tell their friends. This resulting in more strange looks and uncomfortable shifting. What did you do now Seulgi? Her eyebrows furrowed.

Was it her choppy bangs? Was it that she looked a tiny bit different from the rest? No, it's because you're such a tsundere. Damn you anime. Seulgi was told by many (by many probably the whole school) that she reminded all of them of that specific type of character. Others just said she acted like a plain old mean cat.

"I'm I really that scary?" Seulgi accidentally spoke out loud. The trio stopped and stared at her. They each took their turn to gulp down the truth and come up with a lie.

"No" they all monotonously answered in unison.

Peter felt bad. How could he tell his best friend that many are terrified of her? It's a huge slap to the face and he just couldn't bear to see the hurt express its way into her eyes. Hey, she knows how to express pain. Progress, right?

She sat there with her two milk cartoons opened and ready to drink. She hated milk now, it was disgusting. One sip and all she could taste was bitterness. She combed her bangs so they couldn't see that she was hurt.

"Cool," Seulgi breathes out.

Peter's hands shake under the table. If Seulgi describes anything with cool it usually has a whole different meaning to it. Peter was contemplating whether to hand over his hand for comfort or would she just reject it like the last time.

"Ok, well being honest with you Seulgi" Ned started with a fix of his collar. Seulgi allowed her face to rest on the outside of her left hand. Oh was this getting going too cool.

"You even make Michelle scared" Peter added with a small fake laugh. Peter was screwed, very screwed. But even if she was cruel at times, he was still able to like her.

"Mhm," Michelle ended giving Seulgi a tiny nod while biting into the soggy french fries. Seulgi stared at her and stopped after hearing what they all said.

Seulgi hates today. She wants to cry. But she doesn't really know how to. She cries by herself at home, never in front of people.

"I guess, I just don't see the point of smiling" Seulgi commented. After all, we're all just dying inside. She didn't understand the concept of smiling, to be honest. "It makes you seem weak" she closed off.

Then a lightbulb suddenly hit Peter in the head like a harsh football throw. He wanted to slap himself for not remembering that his best friend of almost 12 years had trust issues. He would've given himself a pat in the back until the ring heel signaling that lunch was now over and it was study hall.

Michelle sprinted out of the room and Ned awkwardly waddled away from Seulgi and Peter. Seulgi got up and threw away her milk and sat back at the people. Peter came back and sat next to her again. Peter thought it was a great idea to talk about the school year so far to come back from the awkwardness.

As Peter talked about the new friends he made and how he enjoyed his new classes, Seulgi felt as if a smaller version of Peter just crawled into her and began stabbing at her heart and stomach repeatedly. Oh, Peter. Don't talk, just stay and hold me tight.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now