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It's the sixth time Seulgi has checked her phone. It was still early in the morning on a school day and Peter hadn't been at the train station. Nor was he at school or at any breaks they had.

She tapped her fingers consistently against her notebook. It wasn't weird not hearing anything from him for a couple hours. But the last time she ever heard of him was yesterday during 6th with various bruises scattered on his face.

The rest of the school periods went by, but Seulgi's rose to the core. She couldn't comprehend how she got into Peter's apartment or how she was possibly having a breakdown in Peter's favorite chair.

Aunt May wasn't responding and Seulgi realized why, hearing vibrations coming from the kitchen. She usually wasn't clingy or worried like this. But when it came to the most important person to her, she was still surprised she hadn't called in for a missing person.

Seulgi stayed there in the room all alone. Each text was written a minute after another one. Yet no one was read. Calling didn't help, plus Seulgi didn't want Peter to listen to her at the moment. Seulgi was afraid she might begin sobbing in front of him.

3 pm soon formed into 7:15 in the afternoon. Aunt May was working late and Peter was still not responding or coming back home. After sending a paragraph to Peter explaining how happy she would be if he came back, she pressed the phone icon once more.

It rang and rung. If she heard Peter's voicemail one more time her phone would be smashed to pieces against a wall. The ringing stopped. And so did her breathing. Keys jingled in the background and finally, someone said something.

"Seulgi? Are you still there?" He croaked asking where her friend went. Mixed emotions ran up and down Seulgi's body.

"Peter, what the fuck?" Seulgi sighed of relief but of annoyance.

"Language," He laughed. She paused. Was this really a time to be laughing. The call ended. Seulgi's eyes shot wide opened and looked down at her phone. Footsteps neared the door. Seulgi hands curled into a fist out of frustration.

"Woah, Seulgi" Peter gasped opening the door and dropping his backpack that was covered in a weird gooey substance. A black eye had definitely formed on one of Peter's eyes. Sulgi could also see him limping towards his bed.

"Woah, Seulgi?" She mocked walking up to him and placing one of his arms around her shoulders. "Peter, I have been texting you nonstop and you walk in all casual like that?" Seulgi shouted placing him on the bed. He groaned causing Seulgi to go into panic mode.

With a speed of lightning, she ran into the kitchen and filled a shopping bag filled with ice and returned back to a struggling Peter Parker. Peter smiled seeing Seulgi comeback all serious because he was content that his friend showed mercy for him.

"Stop smiling, Peter! This isn't funny. I was worried about you" She admitted throwing the ice bag at him. Peter cringed feeling the coldness near his crotch and quickly placed it on his right eye. "You're such an idiot sometimes, Parker" Seulgi whispered moving his hand so the ice bag was rightfully placed on his left eye. Where the actual blackeye was at.

It wasn't long before Seulgi blew up and began shouting profanities at Peter. In his head every time she said a word not-so-nice he would bleep it out. He didn't like seeing her curse because he felt her innocence leave her. But she isn't 15 anymore and is 17 going into 18.

Her rant continued on for a couple minutes. But as always Seulgi gets tired easily.

She sat back on the chair where she was breaking down and stared at Peter. He lowered his head, ashamed of bringing such anxiety to Seulgi. He really hated himself, especially when he made eye contact with her. He wanted to lighten up the mood but didn't know how.

"At least I'm not dead" He grinned fakely still looking at her. She scoffed at him and tried laughing to not concern him. It didn't go well.

She faked a weak smile and tried covering her face with one of her arms. She stayed smiling but brought both her hands up to her face. She closed her eyes and placed pressure on her eyelids. Her eyes stung. She felt wet drops run down her hands.

Peter stood up upset seeing Seulgi in her position. The last time he saw her cry was when she had broken her arm in at the playground years ago.

"Seulgi, it's ok," He cooed shaking his hands to get rid of his nerves "I came back like I'll always do. I promise" He whispered crouching down near the seat she sat at. His hairs all over his arms rose. Her pink lips parted showing her uneasy breathing.

"I'm going home, Peter" Seulgi replied standing up. Her clammy hands recollected her things and she walked out the door. Peter stayed in his room and waited.

"Peter, what's up with Seulgi?" Aunt May asked leaning against his doorframe. He shrugged and couldn't imagine what he had done to her.

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora