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It was a struggle going to school for both teenagers. Mainly because they both had to be sociable, so when being invited to a grand party for an 18th-year-olds birthday. they both freaked. Everyone in their grade would be there. And so would alcoholic beverages. But Seulgi and Peter had promised May no drinks. Only soda that was served in cans and bottled water.

So here they were. Peter had been rummaging through Uncle Ben's old closet. He had forgotten the dancing advice Aunt May gave to him a while back for homecoming.

"Ugh, Peter. Just place this one on" Aunt May shoved a navy colored dress pants and a striped collar shirt at him. He nodded and rushed into his room, locking it. May breathed, having to hands on her hips. The silence came to a halt once the front door opened.

"May, where can I change!" Seulgi shouted from the living room. She was stressed. Way too stressed. Seulgi never wore dresses. But she didn't have a horrible taste in fashion.

"My room's opened, sweetheart" May responded running up to her in her high heels. Seulgi hugged May and May kissed her cheek lightly before Seulgi bolted to the opened room near Peter's.

Ned and MJ had decided to ditch the two and scattered to the party. Thus, leaving Seulgi and Peter to drive over to the venue with Aunt May.

With a spray of cologne and a couple coughs, Peter unlocked his door and went out to show May. She clapped happily and went up to Peter. After a series of compliments and hair fixing, it was Seulgi's turn.

Did I get fat? Seulgi scratched her head and placed on her choker. It couldn't be that she was fat, she had just gotten the jumpsuit an hour ago.

"I'm coming" She shouted loud enough so the two behind the door could hear. Peter was startled hearing the muffled voice of his best friend and became red. Was Seulgi going to wear a dress? The doorknob twisted and out she came.

Peter's eyes started from the bottom. The velvet blue dress flowed along her skinny legs and up her waist. There Peter saw how perfectly the jumpsuit had fit on Seulgi. Here he was seeing it in real life, not in a picture taken with bad quality. Was it the choker? Was it the gold gloves? Or was it just her beauty that caught Peter off guard.

"Oh, Peter. Keep that mouth of yours shut" May warned smacking him with her purse. Seulgi couldn't help but grin at May. May winked back and hurried the two out the door and into the old car outside.

Peter watched astonished outside of his window. Seulgi was pretty in her own way but Peter saw her as the most beautiful person ever now. Right after Aunt May, of course. He always found her shyness the prettiest though. He liked seeing her pale face blow up into a rosy color or how she would quint her eyes shut when she was happiest.

Seulgi glanced at Peter. She always wondered how he would look like if he would dress up sometimes. Handsome as always. She should stop staring. She pouted and faced the seat in front of her. At least he looked adorable.


Parties are cool and all, but being in bed and watching vines was cooler. At least that's what Seulgi thought as she sat there drinking her sprite. And yes, it was from a can. She even sent a picture to May to prove it. And a video showing how much fun Peter was having. It was left on read.

Peter tried copying the moves the jocks around him were doing. His hand cramped at some point but he resisted the urge to shout how it hurt him eternally. Thankfully, the next song requested from the birthday girl was slow. MJ was at the snack bar and Ned was playing a weird game of poker.

Sappy couples filled the dance floor and Seulgi observed her following classmates become clingy.

"This party's... great" Peter coughed sitting next to the empty chair where Seulgi was sat at. Seulgi nodded and slide Peter's coke across the table. He opened it and chugged half the can. Seulgi glared at her friend knowing how drinking too fast would affect him. Her point was proven hearing a burp come from him. Over the loud music.

"Let's go dance" Seulgi stood and shook her legs. Peter choked on the bubbly concoction. Seulgi rolled her eyes and grabbed onto Peter's collar, dragging him to the dance floor. "My feet have been hurting" Seulgi pointed out placing her hands around his shoulders.

Peter didn't know what to do. He stood there frozen. the last time he touched a girl's hips, it was the same day he almost died. Right now, he wished he was dead. Seulgi understood his awkwardness and placed his hands on her waist.

"Now just sway," She laughed lightly feeling his eyes bulging out his sockets. His cheeks flared against the neon lights that were flashing around. She laughed a little harder than before and covered her self with his shoulder.

Peter swayed, confused. Why was Seulgi laughing? Especially at a party. Where instead she is most likely to start panicking.

"You're such a fool, Peter" She laughed in his ear. Soon he laughed with her. The heavens spook to him each time her laugh rang throughout his mind. Another moment to add to his cherished memories.

"but I still love you" She dragged out swaying her head back and forth. She laughed again at what she said. Peter immediately captured her eyes glistening in the pink light. Her eyes made him smile like the real fool he was. Like the fool Seulgi loved. Crap, am I blushing?

Tsundere - Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu